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Image lost


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I coppied a image out of a note and I wanted to paste it in another note but now its lost. I cant paste it in a note and its lost in the old note. I can see the lost image as thumbnail in the overview but the note is empty.

I have no premium account and cant restore the note but I think thats a stupid bug and its really annoying.

I hope there is a possibilty to fix that.





Bildschirmfoto 2017-05-31 um 16.58.52.png

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  If you don't have your own backup,  then note history is the only way to get your original image back - even if you are a premium user for only one month...  unless you have another device that might have the previous version of the note saved?  (If you do,  don't let it sync to the server until you copy the image or you'll lose it again.)

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