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Using advanced search on iPhone (v. 8.2)

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I have been trying to use the advanced search syntax (found here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-How-to-use-Evernote-s-advanced-search-syntax) on my iPhone. Suppose I want to search for all Microbiology flashcards that I haven't learned yet. According to the Evernote search grammar, I should type "tag:MIC-Flashcards tag:Unlearned". However, when I type "tag:MIC-", instead of searching for tags that begin with "MIC-", Evernote starts searching for notes with the literal content "tag:MIC-", which don't exist, obviously. I've attached a screenshot below.

Is it really possible to used advanced search syntax on iPhone, or is this another of the features that Evernote has taken away in its recent iPhone versions?


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Hi.  Always better to post in the latest release thread if you have any issues - the devs will be watching for reactions to the release.

We're not Evernote as such here,  just a (mostly) user-supported forum;  if you're a paying subscriber it's a good idea to contact support directly at https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (premium subscribers can chat from the same link) - or anyone can message them on Twitter via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps


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