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Encrypted Notes Gone? Help?

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So I just transferred a ton of stuff over from OneNote, as I'm in the process of converting to Evernote.  I created a section for some fairly sensitive financial information, so I highlighted it all and encrypted with a passcode.

After that, the cute little padlock thing appears.  I basically ended up backspacing over it and now I it's gone.... pretty cool implementation of security if I don't have to enter the passcode to even delete the notes?  NOT

Is there anyway I can get this back.  I don't feel that I should have to pay for a month or so of Premium to get my stuff back.  I already deleted it from OneNote as well, so this really sucks.


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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, elvman said:

I don't feel that I should have to pay for a month or so of Premium to get my stuff back.

You have the option of backing up data yourself to recover lost data

There are existing requests to add checks to deleting data.  You can search and add your vote or create your own request

My feature request is at


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