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Finding "Double notes" and "empty notes"

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Is there a Tool to identify doubled notes? That would be great and helpful!

Often I find things on the web again (without knowing, that I found that before) and save in in Evernote again.

And more often - when I using the EvernoteTool on my mobile Phone - there is no real content in the saved note and I do it again on my desktop computer, but often do not know/find the old one and delete it.

Therefore it would be great to have a tool to find "doubles" and to find "empty notes".

Many Greetings from Germany

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I agree it might be nice to find duplicate notes from time to time,  but as a general rule I delete them when I notice them - when they pop up in search results forinstance.  I don't see the advantage of spending time and effort reducing the number of duplicates.  If the notes exist already,  the storage space you save won't directly benefit you - it doesn't add back into your monthly allowance.  Plus you'll be spending an hour or so 'tidying' when you could be working on something...  Far better to delete dups when they show in search results - takes a few seconds,  and means you get a clearer picture next time that search is run.

There is a way to find many duplicates though - close all desktop windows except List view.  Sort list view on title.  Copy the entire list to a spreadsheet and delete all but the title and note size columns.  Now use spreadsheet tools to find duplicate names with duplicate sizes,  and names with zero (or very small) note sizes.  That is your suspect list - work through it,  checking the content of each candidate.


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