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About SvenSND

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  1. @Alxa, I feel like you too. For now I don't find Evernote as reliable as the "Legacy" version. I let a phone and the computer on legacy and just use the new version on another phone. Progresses were made but I still don't feel completely safe
  2. Hi everyone, This worked for me on the latest android version. Although the progression bar on the screen doesn't make progress, it's actually charging in the background. You have to quit the notebook screen, then go into it again. It's pretty slow, I've got almost 800 notes for 400Mo and I took almost 2-3 hours, charging notebook by notebook I totally agree it's a big turn off for me. But the rest of Evernote seems to be improving
  3. Hi @PinkElephant. I did as you said taking one notebook at a time and it went pretty fine. I first had to uninstall the app as going into the notebooks made it freeze. Now everything seem to work fine!
  4. Hi @PinkElephant I've tried several solution too. With the latest update I've also tried to take the app out of the "battery optimized applications" but it doesn't seem to have any effect. It's not really urgent, it's mainly for testing purpose on a phone. I'll let it work for some nights but the progress bar really seems to be stuck
  5. Thank you very much @PinkElephant I will do as you say ! I already tried to set screen on "30 min stand by" but it didn't help. I didn't think it would take so long. Do we have any idea why I takes so long? (it works almost perfectly on Windows10) Thanks again for your help. Have a great day!
  6. Hi everyone, I've got some issue with offline notebooks on Android. I'm using the latest version (10.26 1120549) of Evernote. I've selected the option to download all the notebooks to make them available offline. After several days, some notebook aren't downloaded yet. All my notes are 300Mo max so it should not be a problem with Wi-Fi. Has someone experienced the same problem? I've read topics where the issue is apparently solved. I've uninstalled / reinstalled the app but the problem still remains. Have a great day!
  7. Thanks, both are installed and working perfectly. But for now I was just logged with the Legacy version. So both version can be logged on the same account at the same time without any conflict?
  8. Hi @agsteele . Thank you for your answer. So I need to uninstall both and then reinstall in a particular order? Is there any particular reason for that? Have a nice evening!
  9. Hi everyone. I'd like to give v10 a try I've already installed both version but I'm currently only using Legacy and don't want to mess my actual system. Is this still possible to use Legacy alongside with the v10 without damaging Legacy notes and / or tag structure?
  10. Hye everyone, thank you so much for all your answers. Seems the problem doesn't only occur on my computer. I'll simply do copy/paste for every note, it's no big deal. I'd like to avoid this title length limitation because I'm being maniac, and I want the first line of each note to be like the title (because for some note, there's only one line in the body of the note, whereas for others it's more complex) All seems to be solved. Thanks again for your help!! Have a great day
  11. Hi Gazumped, thank you very much for your answer. I've tried it to be sure. If I write 200 characters in the note's body, when syncing the note, only the first 80 appear in the title. I don't think the problem comes from my screen: when I select the title, hit Ctrl + A to select all the characters in it, I only have 80 (I checked with https://www.charactercountonline.com/) I'm using Windows Evernote Client on Windows 10 Pro. If I manually copy the 200 characters from the body to the title, I have no error and the title is 200 character long. The problem only appears when the title is automatically taken from the note's body (which I'd like to do)
  12. Hi everyone! I use to get my note title from the first characters of the note body. I noticed there is a limit so that only the first 80 characters are kept for the title. In this topic, they tell there is a 200 characters note title limit Is there a reason for the 80 characters limitation? I have to manually copy to the title. It's a little annoying; so if there's another way to do it I'm looking for your help Have a great day. Best regards!!!
  13. For now, 0 1 2 3 doesn't have any direct use. They are just containers. For example I quickly check in 0 if all notes have a reminder. If not I have to put one
  14. Hello DTLow! I want the desired field to appear when typing a single character. For example, every "context" is preceded by the !character, where by a @ ... By doing this, they are quickly accessible with minimum action. The when is the exception with 0 1 2 3. These character are only used in timing tags so by pressing 0 I'm sure to get the right tag It's exactly what I have been doing; ! for context, @ for location, and 0 1 2 3 ... for timing
  15. Thank you very much, the calendar is not so much important now that I managed to have special reminders for J+1, J+2, J+3... I'll give it a look I just finished to setup the system, all is prepared for the week, only minor updates will be needed (if all goes well). The search for J+1 reminder is: reminderOrder:* : the note has a reminder reminderTime:day+1 : seek for all reminders dated greater than J+1 -reminderTime:day+2 : seek for all reminders dated prior to J+2 -reminderDoneTime:* : the note has no "done reminder" I've created a last search for every note that has a reminder but is not in "0-Now (this week)" (so I can quickly search for my mistakes) reminderOrder:* : with a reminder set -reminderDoneTime:* : with no "done reminder" -tag:"0-Now (this week)" : that has not the "0-Now (this week)" tag
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