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BUG: New Images Arranged Incorrectly

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Scenario: An existing note with images in it: (image a, image b, image c, image d). Note has been saved in evernote. Open image for edit. Put cursor between image a and image b. Select "add attachment: camera". Snap three pictures: (image e, image f, image g). Click check mark to return new images to note. New note structure: image a, image e, image b, image f, image c, image d, image g. Expected note arrangement: image a, image e, image f, image g, image b, image c, image d. 

The scenario described above is very specific but is meant to be abstract. This behavior occurs regardless of cursor placement, unless cursor placement is at the end of the note in which case all new images will appear in the expected order following the last image in the original note version. It occurrs regardless of how many images (two or greater) are in the original note version and how many images (two or greater) are added in the edit. 

Reproducability: This happens every single time you perform these steps. 

Work arounds: Open note for edit. Place cursor after image a. Add new attachment: camera. Snap one picture. Click on check to add image. Make sure cursor is after image e. Add new attachment: camera. Snap one picture. Click on check to add image. Make sure cursor follows image f. Repeat steps until finished. Note structure will be as expected. In other words, adding images one at a time seems to be the only work around. This is not a "good" work around IMO. 

Thanks, bill. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @bstidham

Thank you for the post. I would like to recommend submitted a support ticket for this so that we can further look into this. To create a support ticket, please see the signature below my post. This will help us greatly and look forward to seeing what could be causing this. 

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