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(Archived) Things I'd like to see on Evernote

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Great product. Just have a running list of things I'd like to see and questions. Thought I'd post on here. I might be being thick with some of this, so any suggestions welcome!

Boolean search.

Location based reminders.

An shortcut to get back to the home screen on mobile apps and/or a quick note shortcut from anywhere.

Apply reminders to smart stickers, in the same way as post-its.

Apply more than one tag to smart stickers & post-its.

Resolve any conflicts in using multiple stickers arising from the above by ordering the stickers in a list. I've never actually tried using stickers - I'm just saying.

Apply different notebooks/tags to different Mokeskin notebooks.

Bring back the alphabet scroll bar for tags on iOS (only working a bit smoother).

Ability to see/apply nested tags on mobile apps.

Ability to select multiple notes in mobile apps, to apply tags more efficiently.

The ability to drag/drop a note on a saved search, then have all the notebooks/tags associated with the search applied to the note. Are there any other quick ways to apply multiple tags that I'm missing?

Optional calendar integration. Could EN make entries in iCal or Outlook when reminder dates are set?

Default notebooks/tags for different cameras (photo, document etc.), emailed items and all the different options on the quick note bar.

Resizable icons in the markup/Skitch part of the app. Sometimes if I have a handwritten todo that I want to apply the ticks to in markup, the ticks are too big to be useable.

On mobile apps, have notes with not-done reminders appear at the top of a list, with a demarcation as to which notebook they're in - in exactly the same way as the desktop apps. I know you can press the reminder button to get this, but would be nice to be one tap easier.

The "-" doesn't seem to work as I would expect in a few instances. I'd like a saved search that filters out all done items, and items with no reminder set. If I do "-dateDone:day1000" for example (or whatever the syntax is, I know that's wrong) it omits any results that have not-yet-done reminders. Any suggestions on a workaround?

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Lots of food for thought! Evernote employees do read the forums but generally do not post information about future plans. And I'm sure someone with more expertise will chime in on the search grammar question.

Best of luck.

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  • Level 5

I haven't retested in the last crop of pre-release betas but search + and - math in the area of Reminders has been a little inconsistent across clients.  It may or may not be quite ready.

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