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(Archived) Fatal Errors Galore


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Good afternoon everyone!  I've been running into a problem with Evernote since last night.  I don't know what's going on but I keep getting Fatal Errors while Evernote.  For example, I was customizing my Wacom tablet's settings and I had my customization list written down in Evernote, for no apparent reason, I got a fatal error message and the program shut itself down.  I thought that was a one time event and thought nothing of it.  Then, 20 minutes ago I have Evernote open to write down some shipping information that I have to mail out and the same thing happens!  I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program thinking that's all it needed, but now the program can hardly open without crashing.  Is there any fix or update for this?


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A sudden onset of fatal errors sounds more like a disk space,  memory or OS problem than an Evernote one. Have you checked your hardware for any problems?  If so,  I'd suggest raising a support ticket for this one.. (see below)

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A sudden onset of fatal errors sounds more like a disk space,  memory or OS problem than an Evernote one. Have you checked your hardware for any problems?  If so,  I'd suggest raising a support ticket for this one.. (see below)



I've checked everything, my computer has 8GB of memory and is running Win8 on a 240GB SSD. I'll raise the support ticket right now!  Thank you for the advice!

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I solved it. I uninstalled the Evernote. Then, one should delete it's databasу cache located by default at C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote. (You can find the exact name of the folder in Evernote's Service menu. 

After that I re-installed Evernote and now it is running smoothly.

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