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Option for Smaller Attachment Icons



Hi, feature request of a size option to allow for smaller inline attachment icons.

To save vertical space I often like to have them in the same line as the text; it would be nice to be able to maintain the same line height throughout the note to avoid a disjointed note.

Attached a crude example of what this might look like scaled down from the current look. post-106874-0-24816800-1360347829_thumb.

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9 replies to this idea

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Is there a way to change the way the "PDF attachments" look?

I usually name my pdf attachments in this way: the name of the article + the journal name + year of publication. It is very useful this way, because when there is something new I know if I have to update my note or not.


I am requesting something like this:





thank you

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I like to use tables to organize my PDFs. In previous versions of Evernote, I could drag a pdf into a cell in my table and the attachment would shrink to fit in the cell. I have recently upgraded to 6.0 and my PDFs no longer shrink, but overlap as shown in the file attached to this forum note. Is there a setting I should be using to get them to shrink to fit in the cell?

Thank you.



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I just had an idea on how to create a smaller icon. It is a little cumbersome for every purpose but some might find it useful.

  1. create a notebook just to store your files you want to have reference to in other notes (a file storage notebook)
  2. Inside the file storage notebook, create a Note for each file you want to link to and put your file there, naming it accordingly
  3. Grab the "Note Link" (right click on note you have created and "Copy Link Note") 
  4. Paste that Note Link where you want to reference that file 
  5. This will create a link to where you stored your file, with the note title as the link to the file you want to refer.

Hope you find this useful for special use cases.


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I embedded a .pdf in a note and the icon is a huge, screen-width rectangle in the middle of my page. Is there some way to reduce this? An alternate way to attach it that doesn't eat all the screen real estate?


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Having a thumbnail of pdf/word/ppt doc attachments would be a huge help. I'm a student trying to create quick sheets on everything I need to know on a topic, with the lecture slides attached. Not able to do this because the attachment takes over the whole document.

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