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Benito Epominati

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Everything posted by Benito Epominati

  1. This naturally is not a top tier issue to clean up. However, I trust, that they do it at some point. They building up a good track record for cleaning things up and implementing new features at the same time. Makes a good argument for a premium subscription.
  2. Fixed for me in Version 10.83.5 No trouble with long notes and "bullet time" anymore.
  3. Also, the choice of the font for code blocks is unfortunate in general, since it uses a non-coding style ampersand, while better options are already available from the font menu as shown below.
  4. Agree. I hope, they find a way to make that feature work, because I wanted it for a long time. For devs reading this: When it comes to notes, size (and speed) actually matters a lot for me. I have several use cases, where notes get relatively big with sizes beyond 50 printed pages (sure, not 50k) with a good deal of formatting like code blocks and tick marks. I now use the known work-around but would prefer this being dealt with. Thanks for your effort, guys!
  5. I can confirm the above: When copied to and fro the snippets are always correct. Also, Evernote on iPhone displays no symbols in the codeblock (but I have not tested this extensively). So, this very likely a front end issue specific to the desktop client. Interestingly enough, in the codeblock more symbols get converted than in the text body:
  6. I also use larger notes to keep daily project logs and work with a lot of tick marks. It seems the larger and the more complex the notes were the slower they became. I had to archive parts of these notes to get back to a responsive behavior. Btw: These notes are not anywhere near the advertised size limit. So these performance issues are kind of troubling.
  7. The recently introduced autoformatting of characters combinations like "->" to an arrow symbol seems to interfere with the content of codeblocks to the degree that the displayed code might no longer be valid in the strict sense. The content of codeblocks should remain unaltered. For instance, the following Julia code... filter(i -> iszero(i[2]) != true, dataset) becomes... which is unfortunate. Another example would be... select(df, 1 => "Date", :Country_code => "C-Code") is changed to Please fix. Thanks. Ben System info: Win 10 10.81.4-win-ddl-public (20240320152323) Editor: V 177.9.4 Service: V 1.97.1
  8. It would be a great thing to have, although it seems unlikely that Evernote will make this a priority.
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