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Everything posted by BrianP_

  1. Yes, when apps are compliant with the OS they run on, then it should be this easy. Either app preferences or system preferences. An "option" to disable/remove. Why are you defending this negligence. The ability existed in a previous version so, bring it back.
  2. The helper may be useful for you, but clearly many peeps agree (self included) that it is not. Hence the need for an "option" to disable the feature and installing another piece of software for the sole purpose of removing the Evernote helper is a ridiculous suggestion. Evernote?? Looks like this has been dragging on for a while.
  3. Hello, When attempting to change password or enable/disable MFA from within the Evernote app, I am directed to the web for login for this activity. Not a problem except I use the app on my laptop and on my phone and do so with a free account. Only two devices allowed to sync. After I'm directed to the web to change my security settings, I must deactivate a device (my laptop or phone) in order to complete this since the web (browser) counts as a device. This used to just be a PITA, but I see that there is a countdown as to how many times that I can do this (deactivate a device). Not sure, maybe it was always there, but either way... if we can't change our security settings in the mobile or desktop apps, then there should not be a need to deactivate a device in order to do it via web. Suggestions: 1. Don't give us access to our notes when redirected to the web for settings not available in the apps. 2. Provide access to these settings in the apps I look forward to your response for this issue. It is an issue. Thanks, -Brian
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