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Everything posted by VillageLife

  1. I agree! I have eight companies that I do electronic record management for, and I started doing that with a single user version in 2008! Some of the companies are related. Many have varying layers of access. As Evernote Business Admin for all of them, I need to be able to work between each of the EBAs where they overlap. I need to work on tagging many notes at once, ensuring note names for same companies are consistent (ie all BC Hydro, not B.C. Hydro, BCHydro. etc) as any one of the 50 or so users could have entered the note info. Some just scan direct to my incoming notebook and I have notes that are just a string of letters and numbers. The workflow and requirement for changing access as documents and notes move through our system means that I am moving more than 50 notes at a time to different notebooks, sharing notebooks with users in a different EBAs and sharing with outside auditors for limited durations. Employees come and go, departments get reorganized, owners split up and so do companies. Canadian law says that we have a need to retain our records, beyond and through all of that. I need to be able to flex our Evernote with the changing times. I have found that the "new and improved" V10 is cute - oooh look at all of those fonts and colours! but I'm not looking for cute. I'm not interested in teams. I don't want all of the fluffy desktop publishing aspects. I don't deny that Evernote probably has a market for this product - things for staff to do rather than work. Sorry, I get that it sounds jagged, but I need a workhorse not a playground. I think that adding Stacking Notebooks was my last favorite upgrade. Most of the features that have come in through this big change up cause Evernote to no longer be the records management system with great abilities that it once was. For my clients, Evernote is quite literally a virtual filing room. They dump it in, and I ensure that they will find it later. For that, I stick with the pre Legacy versions because back then, Evernote was all about saving anything. With over 100,000 notes under my purview, I need Evernote to run fast, not freeze!, and be consistent over platforms and users. For quite a long time I've been suggesting an admin level much like the pre V10 Windows Desktop version, for the folks such as myself that are doing maintenance and batch filing. Give us the ability to easily create a list of notebooks that a specific user has access to. Let us limit the tags a notebook can have - Business editions should have these types of controls. Okay. Short answer - sometimes the old way is better for a reason. End of rant.! Happy 2023 everyone!
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