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Callum Birch

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Everything posted by Callum Birch

  1. My tuppence worth: I use Evernote, in part, to work on "knowledge" notes. When captured, the notes are often vague. Once a week, I expand on them. It is only at the very end of this process that adding a title is valuable. In fact, in my case, I move the notes elsewhere once they are fully developed. Only then do I add a title. That being the case, I find the titling feature is a big distraction. It would be incredibly valuable to see notes in card view without a title (as though I were looking at index cards with scribbled notes on). With that being said, I can't argue with the logic of titles and automatic titles for the majority of folks. I'm talking about a specific, niche use case. So I can't imagine there will ever be a day that Evernote removes the feature. BUT... my use of Evernote, as part of the creative process, is not all that unusual. The creator economy is growing. There will be more and more people like me who want to customise Evernote in the way I do... or they'll move to (or create) better platforms yet to be developed. So, if Evernote wants to cater for people like me (and they may not), then making it an option to turn of titles would be valuable. If it doesn't want to cater for people like me, well, then, so be it. Can't argue with that. I chose Evernote for this stage of my writing process because it's the best around at CAPTURING notes. It's not the best for other stages. So I'll just move the notes elsewhere if needs be. Anyway, in summary, I think there's a growing need for customisations like (and including) this... but I totally understand if Evernote prefers to cater to the masses.
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