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  1. Ok thank you again gazumped! I don't see this capability in v10 so will have to see if going back to Legacy makes sense to try this. Really appreciate you taking the time to help me with this! Seems like a major gap for EN not to think people would want to do things like this. 🥺
  2. Yes thank you gazumped. So I have two decades of "notes" pulled from many sources, cleaned up and normalized into a spreadsheet. Each "note" is a single row w/two columns - "title" and "content". I have assumed EN could import this spreadsheet from .csv (or other standard) with each row being read by EN as an individual note with the title coming from the "title" column and the note content as text from the "content" column (could be renamed to match EN requirements of course). And not as an attachment or inline table. My goal is for easy cross-device searchability/readability/editability therefore text format, not tables/attachments/etc. From what I've read in various posts this seems impossible in V10 and maybe possible in Legacy(?) Thanks much!
  3. Ok, thank you gazumped. I assume these are then imported to EN as attachments, not inline text in the note?
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