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Everything posted by stephanieb

  1. This happens to me too - updating a note refreshes the whole note, which re-orders the list and removes my cursor from the text of the note. I have to type something, then wait for the note to update, then re-select the note and find my place in it again, then continue typing. If I don't wait for it, Evernote has the notebook selected so every time I hit the space bar it jumps down the list of notes instead of actually typing anything. Then I have to scroll back to the top of the list, select the note, find my place again, and continue typing. Almost my entire workflow is editing existing notes, so this really messes me up. I do know that this is related to it updating the note to appear at the top of the list because it's the most recently updated, because it doesn't do this when it's already at the top of the list. I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned this actually.
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