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Shak last won the day on August 30 2023

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  1. Well, I just came to this news today after coming back from a vacation block! I'm one of the affected users, and a paying one at that. There's something about the electron based version that I prefer over the web version, maybe it's the immediacy of the UI response, so I'm saddened to hear about this decision. I'll make do with the web version, but at this point I must contemplate alternatives...
  2. Not only did I found it very interesting @Federico Simionato, it also gave a much better idea and sense of the challenges involved in re-working the system for the modern times. Having this idea gives much more amplitude and tolerance for some app mis-behaviour here and there, so I'd suggest keeping this more transparent mode and making your challenges and roadmap (even if technical and even if filtered) more visible to users (or whould I say to the community) earlier - why not quarterly with a forward looking perspective? I believe this may contribute to prevent lots of negative views "out there" and set the stage for greater growth. Thanks !
  3. Oh, of course! when I mentioned "so users can confirm"... I meant "affected users" not just any user. I mean having a BUG ID (or URL to it) present in user forums, so that affected users could go and check details, work-arounds, required diagnostics info, etc etc - could make the process much easier. Add more context info, confirm behaviour, etc And I write this merely as a suggestion... no reason potential innovations can't be considered no ? cheers
  4. So it seems there's no such thing as viewing bug reports (well, this ain't open source software so .. I guess it's OK, but it was my expectation to find something like this) Instead you submit support requests - which is ridiculous (ok, not ridiculous, it's a choice) but very much redundant... an open way for users to check reports and confirm, add to it woud be immho much better...
  5. If there a is a bug reported for this issue, can someone post a link to it, so other users can confirm it ? I've browsed ton of messages on this thread but no link (apparently) to a bug report. Using 10.60.4 and also experiencing this - highly annoying & frustrating bug on the most very basic of requirements, ie. save/record whatever user writes down in a note!
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