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Everything posted by TomVerre

  1. Twice in the past two days I've had the same experience as louisjaffe...a popup asking if I'd like to update evernote overrode two different applications, interrupting time sensitive work in one case and getting me killed by robots in a game I was playing in the other. Interrupting my work (and charitable time spent ridding the virtual world of evil machines) is an unacceptably poor user experience in itself, but after having clicked the NOT NOW button I find that the new version had been installed regardless. Don't give people a NO option if that option doesn't actually mean NO. Unless of course you are only presenting an illusion of choice, in which case good luck with your user retention strategy. I see that it has already been argued that "you get what you pay for" but that's not how it works. If you are not paying for the product, then you ARE the product and can bet the company has estimated and banked on your dollar value. It's to be expected that the company will occasionally gauge user sentiment in public forums when policy changes results in a poor user experience and loss of market share. As such, I am leaving my terribly important OPINION here in the hopes that the folks working on a product I've recommended countless times finds it valuable. Because the next time I've got a 100 ton walking tank bearing down on me and evernote asks if I feel like now would be a good time to drop everything and install software that it plans to install anyway, I'm very likely to turn my robocidal rage towards the uninstall button.
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