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Everything posted by fsigworth

  1. I am a professor and use Evernote as a lab notebook, where I am keeping track of the steps in my data processing using the university's computer clusters. These computers use the Linux operating system, which has lots of use of '/' to mark directories. It is a disaster now when I want to put in something like cp ~/big_data_file.mrc tmp/archive/20240415/ and the text gets automatically converted to a TO-DO ITEM! I haven't found a good way to recover from this. And, by the way, I also use the Terminal app on my Mac and have to deal with the same syntax. This situation is entirely unacceptable. PLEASE allow us to turn this 'feature' off! Meanwhile I'd really like to find an alternative to EverNote. Fellow users, do you have suggestions?
  2. For example, this is what Evernote did to filenames in a note I wrote. It converts everything with a dot to a hyperlink: ....Run the program rlMiFilesToParticleStar.m, having edited it to give the input Info directory and the output file names and location. The program creates four output files with names like micrographs_ctf_u.star micrographs_ctf_v.star particles_u.star particles_v.star where 'u' means unsubtracted, and 'v' means vesicle subtracted....
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