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Everything posted by vositis

  1. My issues are: I use hierarchical folders and always have to keep things organized. But if you try to move a note to a folder - THEY FLATTEN THE HIERARCHY. WTF? Why? At least make that an option!? Why have hierarchical folders if you can't use them that way? When scanning things, MOST scans get named with some Arabic characters, which are read right to left and a pain to rename. Especially statements, checks, bills, etc that have bar codes on top or anything with graphics at the top. Seriously... I'm a software engineer and I discovered Evernote when I met some of their engineers... it can't take a junior engineer more than a day or two of engineering time to omit any Arabic characters from the file naming algorithm!!! It's great that we added tasks. But I don't use that feature. You're too late to the game, I use other things for tasks. Do I REALLY have to go through an extra click when creating a note to choose note or task EVERY SINGLE TIME!??! Yeah... they've lost their way.... the new product management department sucks. Don't get me wrong, I'm all-in with Evernote. Everything that touches my desk gets scanned into Evernote and shredded. There are no filing cabinets in my life. And I've tried the competitors and they are worse. But I am frustrated enough to be trying the competitors....
  2. 20210831_·Ι"'-μιΙι·"ΐ|ΐ|ΐΙΙ>·Ιι>Ι·'·Ιι·ι|ΐ·١Π>٠ι·Ι·ι"ι·ΐ|١ιΙ١ιΙ·.pdf 20210923_ااااا٠٠ااا1ااا-اااا٠٠ا٠1٠ا٠ا1٠ا1٠ااااا٠ا٠1٠ا٠ااا٠ااا٠ا٠.pdf pdf.20200528_ا"ااا٠اااااا'ااا'اااااااااا'ا'اا'اااا"اااااااااا'اااااا pdf.20210923_ااااا٠٠ااا1ااا-اااا٠٠ا٠1٠ا٠ا1٠ا1٠ااااا٠ا٠1٠ا٠ااا٠ااا٠ا٠ Yeah... y'all know what I'm talking about here... Is it too much to ask to maybe... NOT DO THAT!?!!??!?!?!?! It's totally insane and obvious and on top of everything, it's actually Arabic, which is written right to left - so it's EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to rename. And even in Arabic, it's the same character over and over... it's not even frigging useful in Arabic!!!! Yes, I asked a friend that speaks/reads Arabic - even in Arabic it's nonsense!! FFS!! STOP IT!!!! There I said. it. You guys were all thinking it - there is no way I am the only one. But it needed to be said... -VO
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