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Everything posted by lauraelf

  1. I also find this feature very frustrating. The only way I have found to prevent it is to tap on the nut to enter editing mode then the swipe feature doesn't exit, but then I only read through the note with half my phone screen and run the risk of editing when I don't want to. Please please please either remove the feature or allow it to be toggled off. It is not at all helpful
  2. This morning a pop up window came up asking 'Are you enjoying Evernote, yes or no'. I answered it. Then it popped up again, and again, and again... Every time I close one note to switch to another which today was frequent as I was editing the same few notes, so every few seconds the pop-up popped up. It is becoming very annoying. As an additional detail the first time it happened I incidentally hit no (but because I'm not enjoying but because I was focusedon my task and so just hit the quickest thing to remove the pop-up window), it to me to a comments page which I quickly exited to get back to the task I was on. I don't unite if that had anything to do with triggering this error or not. I do generally enjoy using Evernote but am not enjoying a repeating pop-up window.
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