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About gellat_21

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  1. in Windows Evernote there are keyboard shortcuts for Large Header # [tab] Medium Header ## [tab] Small Header ### [tab] This is achieved without highlighting any text. Using any of the above shortcuts at the start of a line, will format the line and its contents, into the header type you have just chosen The equivalent shortcut should be made available for the "normal text" formatting. In OneNote this is available i.e. Ctrl+Alt+1 formats as Heading 1, Ctrl+Alt+2 as Heading 2, etc etc, Ctrl+Shift+N returns to normal formatting
  2. My use case, I'm asked to watch a series of Youtubes in preparation for lectures, about 60 mins worth each week. These Youtubes are about 1 slide per minute, and I'm looking to take a screenshot of each. I plan to use that screenshot as a memory jog and to annotate with my own notes. The OCR is sort of irrelevant in this use case. I would like therefore to be able to have a configurable setting such that the screenshots/ screen clips I take can be auto compressed before storage in my default Evernote folder. I understand OCR is an inportant and necessary feature, however certain users want to use the program differently, and I personally wouldn't mind losing the image quality and the character recognition. Each full screen clip I take on Windows OS is 3.9mb, which makes every set of notes from these videos over 200mb, which is excessive. I could reduce the file size of each image manually, but it seems like it wouldn't be an especially complicated thing to automate and make configurable in preferences i.e. default it to no compression, as is the current setting, then give user a slider to determine if / how much they would like to compress clips, making it clear that they would lose image quality and potential functionality. Evernote is sort of built on the idea of improving workflow, so it would seem a bit of a no brainer.
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