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Everything posted by FrancescoFinucci

  1. Hello, just found something that helped enormously with speed in Evernote. I realized that, when opening notes, the app required some time to show the spelling check, that is, adding the red, curved line under the word. And I had lots of them, as I use both English and Italian, in Evernote. But I guess this check might slow down users also when not detecting errors, because it needs to go through the entire text anyway. Removing the spelling check, in settings, helped me a lot. I suggest to try that, also because we're talking about notes, so I don't see too much need for perfect spelling (although useful on key concepts, if searching through notes). Hope this helps. Best
  2. Hi, thanks for the help and suggestion and sorry for the belated reply. Unfortunately, I have a free account, so I think I can't access support. I'll see if there is another solution. Best, Francesco
  3. Hi all, I know there are some bugs with cursors disappearing, but I seem to have a variation that might not be the same of other cases, nor I see any solutions. Basically, when alt-tabbing to open another program or generally reducing the application to icon, the entire application seems unresponsive and the cursor line appearing inside the note, where you are writing, is gone. I have to reduce to icon and click on the icon again, so that the application returns responsive immediately. I checked the forum, but I can't change the autosave options (I don't seem to have an option for that). Also, there seems to be no message reporting an ongoing saving, while the app is frozen. Furthermore, I would really prefer not archiving the database on my laptop, to keep it safely stored. My laptop has SSD and 8GB Ram. Is there any known solution for this issue? If the issue is the same or a solution was already found, please accept my apologies. Best Wishes, Francesco
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