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Everything posted by lpr

  1. Yes, of course I can do this and thank you for suggesting it. I jus really find it offensive to be getting sync ERRORS. It seems reckless in terms of data integrity. The just isn't any reason to subject costumers to this kind of thing really... Just bad policy.
  2. It is relevant though. My issue is that old notes over 50MB are now giving me sync errors. I was saying that this shouldn't be because this is data that I have ALREADY uploaded to the cloud when I was a premium member and was well within my monthly allowance. Dave and other members seem to be telling me that the reason I'm getting this error is because EN re-uploads the entire note even if all I do is add a text character and hence I am now running against this limit of 50MB because I am taxing the servers for a service I am not paying for. But clearly your experiment shows that is doesn't re-upload the entire content of the note. That was my point... Such a modification would only take up a tiny amount of my monthly allowance, no matter the seize of the note. HENCE, it is arbitrary that I am getting this sync error on these notes since I am not asking EN to add large quantities of data to its cloud, I'm mostly accessing data that was already uploaded to its cloud years ago under a premium subscription.... The experiment you made (thank you) just goes to show that there is no practical reason for these sync errors other than to force me to re-subscribe to premium... My old notes aren't somehow taxing Evernote's servers ... I'm not sure if you get my point?
  3. Where are you getting this from? That was not my understanding. Each month we get an upload "allowance" no? Say I uploaded a note a that is 100MB last month, this month my allowance is reset. If I view the note I created last month and add one word of text to it, you're saying that this will then subtract 100MB of uploads to this month? With this reasoning, I would reach my monthly max upload by working on the same 100MB note for a couple hours since it would continually be syncing to the cloud.... This makes no sense
  4. Doesn't this seem just idiotic?
  5. Are you sure about this? I highly doubt that every time I made a tiny change in a note, like add a word, the entire content of the note is re-uplouaded o the cloud. This would just be bad engineering... Also EN DOES keep version history... and I'm guessing they aren't saving the content of each version as duplicate data. That would again be very inefficient.. Where are you getting this information? With this reasoning, I would reach my monthly max upload by working on the same 100MB note for a couple hours since it would continually be syncing to the cloud....
  6. Thank you. I'm not debating the technicalities here but rather this ridiculous design/business strategy that purposely creates sync errors (that is what I'm getting a sync ERROR) because of note seize on notes OF WHICH DATA I UPLOADED AS A PREMIUM USER; Shouldn't those notes be allowed to continue to sync forever? These uploads were well within my monthly allowance as a premium member. I paid for this upload allowance I recall very clearly Evernote asking me to put everything in it as a forever database for my digital life. THIS WAS THEIR SALES PITCH. If you do this you have a responsibility towards your costumers to treat the data they entrust in your service with care and respect. You need to provide stability and reliability. There is no argument in favour of this "now your old notes won't sync anymore" move. I am STILL a paying costumer. Not a good look...
  7. Thanks. I did contact support also. What is the use of a note that you cannot edit. I think it "edits" it just by viewing it. I mean the second you even lick on anything in it it's being "edited". And so it ill stop syncing . I mean seriously this is so offensive a design/business strategy really makes you wonder about the management of this company.
  8. I would love to be contacted by an EN employee about this : I'm experiencing a very annoying issue. I have been an Evernote customer for almost 10 years. I had the premium account for most of this time when that was your standard paying plan. Recently you guys changed your plans and of a sudden, the same premium plan was costing a lot more. Since I only upload a tiny amount of data each month, mostly text, when you wrote me to tell me my subscription was changing I went with the PLUS subscription. Here's the problem... Now your desktop app is refusing to sync certain notes that I created years ago because they are over 50MB. So I keep getting sync issues every time I want to view one of these old notes. This is absolutely unacceptable... This is data that I uploaded as a premium member. I have already paid for them. They shouldn't stop syncing because I'm a PLUS member now. It's also a very poor way to treat long standing paying costumers. I'm paying as much as I used to but for a ***** service. I'm extremely annoyed. I doubt I upload in average more than 1MB a month. I was happy to pay for the premium service for all those years. To be suddenly ripped off and sold a ***** plan that doesn't sync at the same price as my old premium plan is such a poor way to treat long standing existing costumers... Please fix this.
  9. This guy pops in to tell us to use this thread and upvote, clearly the EN community cares a great deal about this, yet the EN staff is never heard from again on the issue... Classic EN. Just can't listen to their users to save their lives, it's exasperating.
  10. I am posting these new findings after doing some tests. The results are troubling and The Evernote team really needs to address this. When you have more than 250, everytime you will try to sync a new note it will give you the error and then it will look like it went away and it's now syncing BUT HERE'S THE CATCH! If you go and look on a different device, like your Ipad or the web client, The note itself will have been uploaded but it will be created in your default notebook , NOT in the notebook where you created it on your desktop. So what this is doing is breaking the symmetry you once had on all your devices. Now Notes will be at different places. NOW here's what's even scarier . If you make any changes in that note on that other device, it will sync and then move your note into the default folder on the desktop app. SO that means it is disorganizing your notes ! You will be looking for said note and it will have disappeared and moved to your default folder. What This means is that what once was this beautiful symmetry on all your devices is now all screwed up by the inconsistencies introduced by this 250 limit. Another thing that makes no sense what so ever is that Once a notebook is created you can not change it's sync options. So there is no easy way to manage tis 250 synced notebooks limit by toggling them on or offline. And since it does not warn you nor let you monitor how many notebooks you currently have, when you create a new one it defaults to synced notebook even if you are over your limit . It would make a lot more sense if once the limit reached it could only create local notebooks. At least it would prevent us from messing up all our notes by the previously described scenario. I dont know how no one at EN has missed this issue...
  11. There are many things tags do not do despite what everyone on this forum seems to have been brainwashed to believe. First, you can not share the contents of a tag. You can not export it's content the same way. You can not decide to make its content local or sync. FINALLY, for all the talk about being able to replicate a folder/subfolder structure with tags, I would like to point out that that all goes down the drain as soon as you get on an IOS device like an iPad. There it will just read your tags as being all on the same level. I can't repeat it enough. WHYYY this ridiculous limit on premium users. Just let people organize their thousands of notes as they wish. This really is not cool and introduces sync errors which is really scary.
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