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Posts posted by Googol

  1. On 11/24/2023 at 4:54 PM, AlbertR said:

    Ich geh' mal davon aus, dass sie weder Langeweile haben noch versuchen, eine ruhig Kugel zu schieben. Aber sie sind geleitet von dem, was ihr Produktmanagement als wichtig erachtet und das wiederum kann sehr wohl beeinflusst werden, indem man andere Systeme (hier: Legacy) mit dem aktuellen vergleicht.

    Ich verwende auch ca. zwei Dutzend gespeicherte Suchanfragen und es ist sehr wohl ein permanenter Anwendungsfall, diese ab und an anzupassen. Ist in der bisherigen Version ein Klacks (und auch nebenbei recht lehrreich weil man sich mit der Suchsyntax beschäftigt) - kostet in EN10 aber Zeit, Nerven und trägt nie und nimmer zum Komfort bei und lässt mich ehrlich gesagt daran zweifeln ob EN-Mitarbeiter selbst damit arbeiten...

    Allein schon die Tatsache, immer einen neuen Namen erfinden zu müssen, ist IT der Steinzeit. Da entstehen dann so Konstrukte wie "Suche", "Suche-neu", "Suche-ganz-neu" usw... Auf die Dauer nur dämlich.

    Und DDrahts Beispiel zeigt ja auch schon einen typischen Anwendungsfall: Wenn man in einer Anfrage z.B. ein Tag zufügen möchte, oder man einen Tag-Namen ändert, oder nur einfach die Anfragen nur umbenennen möchte um etwas mehr Ordnung reinzubringen - wäre alles viel einfacher und intuiver mit einer Änderung denn mit einer Neuanlage einer Kopie deren Orignal dann entsorgt werden muss.

    Doch, das Löschen von alten Suchanfragen funktioniert:


  2. On 11/15/2023 at 3:55 PM, ddraht said:

    Hallo PinkElephant,

    das Problem ist, dass ich die geänderte Suchanfrage nicht unter demselben Namen speichern kann. Dennoch überschreiben wird leider nicht angeboten.



    Das war in Evernote Legacy deutlich besser!




    Beim Aufrufen einer gespeicherten Suchanfrage über das leere Suchfeld unter "Gespeicherte Suchanfragen" erscheint über der Ergebnisliste ein Menü hinter den 3 Punkten "...", welches das Löschen einer gespeicherten Suchanfrage erlaubt. Danach ist der Name wieder frei für neue.


  3. On 11/19/2023 at 12:19 AM, agsteele said:

    Of course. Just type the details into a blank note.

    "Can you enter images directly?"
    "Of course, you can draw them."

    The business card feature was working well till some months ago. What is the advantage of hand copying a business card into a note?

    This is a bug, and they are not fixing it. I am sure that many people out there are using the business card scan, since not many other note apps are allowing to do so. And it is no longer working.

  4. On 6/21/2023 at 2:00 PM, bmcl26 said:

    I can do multiple images and text with Snagit in one go using the Widget (I am on Windows 11) and capturing a scrolling page, there is also an option to "Grab Text" from images in the Widget

    And it keeps to formatting of the text and the image size?

  5. 1 hour ago, bmcl26 said:

    I use Snagit for ALL copying and pasting between ANY software as it works seamlessly.

    Snagit allows to do screenshots and videos of the desktop screen. I do at least 10 notes a day, usually technical meeting notes with text passages and formatting as well as images which go over several pages, sometimes containing dozens of images. Company wide we use a Microsoft environment where OneNote is the best choice to share information and assign tasks. With snagit i would need to screenshot every single image manually and compose them in OneNote image by image, note by note, with the surrounding text. Unfortunately I don't have the time to perform extra tasks for a simpy copy paste process which are not needed in the old version.

  6. On 6/19/2023 at 10:04 PM, PinkElephant said:

    Just to answer the above statement: You said you can’t copy pictures. Which is wrong.

    What you describe is that you can’t copy mixed content (text and picture). That’s a different statement. Since content like pictures are „wrapped“ in a container, many other apps can’t resolve the layers.

    It works for me between notes (EN Mac 10.58.5).

    Again: No, its not a wrong statement. I am not speaking about copying from evernote to evernote, I know that this works. Copying works on the legacy version, it no longer works for the current version. Thats a fact which is undeniable.

    Images alone as well as part of mixed content are not exchangeable between applications, in both cases the image is exchanged as html code with deep link urls hidden behind Evernote authentication. This is a principal flaw and a bug.

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  7. 3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Images can be copied to other apps - it’s wrong to tell otherwise.

    Stick with the facts if you want to argue in favor of legacy. Which is nonsensical anyhow, legacy is de facto dead (with a long phasing out period) since it was deprecated. And other than in bad films, the dead won’t return.

    Sorry, no, this is the case.

    When you try to copy a whole Evernote with several images by clicking CTRL + A, CTRL +C and try to paste it to any text based application you just get the text without much formatting, images are ignored. The clipboard content in the new version is contaning renderable urls with deep links into the online evernote image. The old version simply contains the image to be copied as base64 coded inline image data. Word or any other third party program does not have access to this deep link url, so the image cannot be shown. it is as easy as this. Simply try to copy an online evernote with images to MS Word. It shoes empty rectangles for the images.

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  8. On 5/3/2023 at 10:09 PM, Federico Simionato said:

    Vast majority of legacy users don't know they are using legacy. More than two thirds of them never even installed v10. I saw this personally in many conversations: they think they are using "Evernote". But legacy is breaking more and more with each OS update.

    Plus it makes backend teams worry about backwards compatibility. We need to speed up development and legacy is one thing preventing us from doing so.

    @HeBoIz What's the key reason you use legacy vs v10?
    I daily run v10 and occasionally try using legacy, but I can't stand it, it's too buggy.

    This is the main reason for legacy, since 2020!


  9. On 5/3/2023 at 10:09 PM, Federico Simionato said:

    Vast majority of legacy users don't know they are using legacy. More than two thirds of them never even installed v10. I saw this personally in many conversations: they think they are using "Evernote". But legacy is breaking more and more with each OS update.

    Plus it makes backend teams worry about backwards compatibility. We need to speed up development and legacy is one thing preventing us from doing so.

    @HeBoIz What's the key reason you use legacy vs v10?
    I daily run v10 and occasionally try using legacy, but I can't stand it, it's too buggy.

    This is the main reason for legacy, since 2020!


  10. On 5/3/2023 at 7:21 PM, Federico Simionato said:

    Hello everybody!
    We are actively working to update more and more customers from Legacy to the latest version of Evernote. Many don't even know they are using an unsupported version, so we are making that more evident through in-app communication and by testing a new update popup on Windows.

    As part of that plan, we also removed the H&L article with links to the Legacy versions. The links remain available through Support in case people need them to fix some issues.

    The Legacy versions remain available, and the download links continue to work, but we decided to make the download links less accessible at this time.

    Hope this clarifies!

    Sorry, but since 2020 now the "new" version of EN ist still not able to support drag and drop on Windows, a feature which is at least as old as the internet itself. I reported this issue back in 2021:

    Seems there is still no solution for this. I have nearly 5000 notes now, most of them in parallel with OneNote notes since my company uses Microsoft tools. As soon as I am urged to use the new version and no longer able to copy my Evernotes over to OneNote Including attachments the correct way, I will stop paying my evernote subscription and search for a better solution.

    I simply find it ridiculous that you suffer from daily featuritis and not able to do the kindergarden stuff.

    • Like 2
  11. 13 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Don’t hold your breath, it will make you turn blue first, and very quiet later.

    It is not you who is the sole measure of everything, case you didn’t notice yet. What may be of little use for yourself may be a big thing for somebody else. Users are different, use cases as well.

    If a software company would first have to finally purge all bugs before being „allowed“ to innovate, we would all still be fumbling 5.25“ floppies into our computers drive (you were lucky when you had 2 of them) and discuss the latest tricks to tune our bat-files. I hope EN will continue to fix bugs - and drive innovation.

    Basically you are right. But not fixing a crucial bug which inhibits sharing EN content on other applications for more then a year can hardly be argued by innovation. At the moment the hurdles to take to be able to bring content over to exotic no name applications like Word, PowerPoint, Excel and consorts are similar to tuning bat files, well, even worse.

  12. 2 hours ago, mrgray said:

    unbelievably in 2021 i pay $10 USD a month for evernote.  i do this because scribbling on stuff for reports and communication with people is important to me for work and timesaving.  that i cannot simply cut and paste anymore is utterly unacceptable.  i use evernote occasionally and frankly don't want to do anything other than use it.  now it doesn't work as far as i am concerned. clearly i am not the intended user of this software.  i will cancel my subscription and i will do so wholly because of what i have read here today.  that this has been a known issue for so long and has not been fixed again makes me realise there must be some great stuff in this software that i don't know about (and do not need in all likelihood).

    I completely understand your position andd can just agree.

  13. 16 hours ago, gazumped said:


    To be clear, it is quite possible to copy text and images from a note to an external document - you 1) simply have to know how to do it and 2) copy one element at a time. 

    In this case (as I understand it) we're talking about a mixed document containing both text and images and the complaint was that you can't copy and paste the whole thing as one element.  It's true:  you can't.  But you can easily use a word-processor to create the document and attach it to your file so that the whole thing copies and prints just fine. 

    If that wasn't done in advance you could still print to PDF rather than 'exporting' and edit that file later.

    Evernote is still bug fixing and enhancing v10 on all platforms so they may plan to look at this issue next time they make any changes to the editor - users are usually the last to know when any features are being enhanced or added.

    Thank you for your reply.

    Even when I copy one image at a time it is not working. That's the situation I described in my initial post. 

    I do at least 10 notes a day, ususally technical meeting notes with text passages and formatting as well as images. Company wide we use a Microsoft environment where OneNote is the best choice to share information and assign tasks. Unfortunately I don't have the time to perform extra tasks for a simpy copy paste process which are not needed in the old version. For now I have a parallel installation of the legacy version. I just hope that EN is keeping the legacy version long enough or is fixing this bug in the the near future. Otherwise they will loose one more customer.

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  14. On 7/17/2021 at 7:02 PM, gazumped said:

    AFAIK it's not a bug - at least not one anyone else has found yet...

    If you already have mixed text and images in Evernote,  you should be able to print them to a PDF file.  If you have an editor like Acrobat you'll be able to edit that file to a better layout if/ when necessary.  The better plan would be to create your notes in a word-processor and save that DOCX (or other format) file as a note attachment.  It can then be printed or edited further as required.

    Using Legacy does not involve a downgrade.  It can be installed alongside v10 and - once the database has been updated - will contain exactly the same notes and attachments.


    Thank you for your imput.

    This problem has been mentioned several times since 2020, is reported quite well and seems to come as a bug in the clothes of a feature together with version 10. Thats the only explanation for me why no one is addressing this at EN.

    Sure there are workarounds thinkable. The best one is to use Microsoft OneNote instead of Evernote. Then I even can save some money per year. At the moment I am yet not giving up since some features are better than those of OneNote. Bot not beeing able to copy from and to Evernote elements like text or images is an absolute no go and not acceptable at all on medium term.


    • Like 1
  15. 20 hours ago, gazumped said:

    Hi.  How exactly are you getting images onto the clipboard?  It should be possible to drag and drop images into other apps,  or to save a note attachments to your desktop.  Worst case - try the Legacy version to get back to the previous behaviour..


    Usually I copy the whole note content directly in the note editor and paste it to Word, OneNote, PowerPoint, E-Mail, .... Many of my notes contain dozens of images, it it not accepatable to do a drag & drop for each image individually. Individual drag and drop is not working for all those apps, jsut for the desktop, which ist useful at all.

    What happesn to my Ver. 10 notes if I downgrade to an older version?


    Thank you.

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  16. Some days ago I decided to upgrade to version 10 for Windows and am realizing today that images from notes CANNOT be copied to other programs. After copying an image to the clipboard, the clipboard looks as follows: 


    First this exchange format is not widely supported by the many possible programs out there. Second the path in the format descriptor is pointing to nowhere. Thus, even programs supporting this way of image data exchange will not be successful. This is a severe bug and apparently not addressed by the development teams since 2020 based on the many related forum contributions.

    Myself and many other customers too need to exchange the content of the notes with other people using other programs. Images are an important part of it. Not allowing this is not accepatable for a piece of software I pay for since years now.

    Please fix this as soon as possible.


    10.17.6-win-ddl-public (2775)
    Editor: V 126.2.16348
    Service: V 1.37.8

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