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Everything posted by BenMcHugh

  1. Started using Tasks (much better than I expected ) Just have the following UX feedback: When a task is marked as complete and I delete them completely, why is there still a placeholder in the note for a new, untitled, task? I'm comparing this to any other object that can be placed inside a note - the expectation is that if I delete the table/photo etc, then there’s isn’t a placeholder for that specific object still left in the note. If you delte a table, there isn't a blank table left in its place. Similarly with a photo, if it is deleted, there isn't a blank "Insert photo here" left in the note. So what leave a placeholder for a task? (see attached screenshot). Hope this helps. Most other comments covered everything else I wanted to say. Apologies if the above comment is a repeat of someone else's. Thanks! ps I didn't use Skitch to annotate the screenshots (Skitch is way better. I will do better next time )
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