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Everything posted by onesaint

  1. Thanks for the FYI! tested some notes with images from 2021 and I think the update fixed it. Evernote 10.71.2 has been installed and is ready to use. fixes: Fixes an issue with graphical misalignments on the filter modals. Release notes
  2. The Agreed. This is wrecking my workflows. I duplicate notes which keeps the original note creation date making that useless for sorting. Last edited is really the only other option aside from tagging a note with the date every time I edit it. It's almost like a last edited field. 😛 Randomly to add these aren't really useful fields to sort by for notebooks with a lot of notes, Location, Reminder Date, Created By, Updated By, Size, URL. Or at least no good workflow has come to mind. Loving the support feedback after 30 days.
  3. Paid account. Same issue (bug). Click on a note, it's marked updated. No bueno. There's really no other way to sort a year of duplicated notes (all have the same created date) unless I update my note naming schema to be sorted properly. Context I'm searching 100+ notes over a year with a date in the title. I'll open a support ticket. versions: 10.68.3-mac-ddl-public (20231218124244) Editor: v176.42.0 Service: v1.83.1 ETA: opened a ticket. there is a manual override https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004877-Add-date-and-time-stamps-to-your-notes?auth_token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoyMTI0MzMsInVzZXJfaWQiOm51bGwsInRpY2tldF9pZCI6MzgwMDIwMSwiZGVmbGVjdGlvbl9pZCI6MjQ0MTUyODY3MDgyNDMsImFydGljbGVzIjpbMjA5MDA0ODc3LDYyOTcxNTMxMjMyMTksMzYwMDM1NDk4Nzk0XSwidG9rZW4iOm51bGwsImV4cCI6MTcwNTg2NTkyMH0.OCsrtyf7d0FWUvi9hCxSa0H1sqbk6F2iO10uNc8xBpI ETAA: only "date created" can be modified from what I can tell.
  4. Sorry if this is a double post. TL:DR Can't find a shortcut for navigating tabs, need one. I use tabs to keep multiple notes open at one time much like keeping tabs open in a browser. I generally have 3-4 open, but there isn't a shortcut to navigate between tabs, or at least not one I've found. This makes moving between tabs pretty painful (mouse! eek!). Can I get a feature request into product for this? Thanks and keep up the awesome work on Evernote!
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