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  1. The way the system works now is completely non-intuitive. A larger image does not mean a better representation of what the note is about. I could make a strong argument that the first image in the note (above a certain size threshold) would be the most representative of the note. For example, I took a clipping of a product page. I want to capture the primary product but also the "related products". However, the images of the related products happen to be larger than the primary product so now I have a note about one product with images for a different one shown as the thumbnail. I have similar frustration for other scenarios as well. I agree, the image for the thumbnail on the note should be user-selectable. It's fine to have a default, but I should be able to override it if I wish. Right-click the image --> Set as thumbnail. Simple. Even if that is a desktop-only feature, that's fine. The product already has certain features that only exist in certain implementations of the product, so that's nothing new.
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