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Everything posted by dotcommer

  1. But it doesn't seem like that because I can go in and edit my notes to my heart's content. So if I can edit my notes as much as I'd like, I feel like that would be even more difficult to accompany than the ability to change the note's thumbnail. It seems silly that I can have all of this customization to my note, but NOT the thumbnail image. It would be much easier to have a standard system on the servers that doesn't let you edit your note at all. Less coding to be flexible with the whims of its users. So since this is NOT the case, it seems strange that the ability to edit the thumbnail of the note is not available, while I can edit my note to any degree I wish (something arguably more complex to account for than changing a thumbnail).
  2. Can someone tell me why evernote doesn't have this ability yet? This seems incredibly near-sighted. I read on someone else's post that evernote uses an algorithm to choose the thumbnail image depending on what the largest image is, it uses that one as the thumbnail. I want the algorithm to conform to ME, not the other way around.
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