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Everything posted by BalloonStoryteller

  1. I am getting messages for conflicting notes often, and I don't have the notes open on more than one device. I do often have the note open in a new window so I don't lose my place while I search for something else in the app. Is this what is causing it? I wouldn't mind so much if it would let me compare the notes quickly and tell me WHAT the conflicting changes are. It's just not worth my time to go and scrutinize both notes each time this happens, especially as it's happening more frequently lately. I use evernote for sooooo much and it's really slowing me down. Can anyone help me please? Thanks!
  2. Thanks for your attention to this. I have MacOS 10.14.6, Mohave. Does that only work on the newest version of MacOS? I hesitate to upgrade as my husband had major problems when he did, but if it fixes this problem I might. Can you let me know if this problem will be fixed if I upgrade? Thanks.
  3. Wow, seriously? Sorry about that. Thanks for letting me know. I guess I'll have to do a better search and say "evernote for mac." Thanks!
  4. This is a major issue for me. When listening to a video (especially a live video) and taking notes, what I did until the update was take a screenshot of the slide (Shift+Cmd+Click on a Mac), and then grab the little preview that comes up at the bottom right of the screen and drag it directly into the note. It was almost seamless and inserted it right away into the exact location I dragged it into. Now, Evernote 10.4.4 won't allow me to do that. I now have to (1) wait for the screenshot to go to the file (at least 6 seconds) and then (2) go to the screenshots finder folder and (3) drag the file into the note (approx 3 seconds) and wait for it to add the note (4 seconds) while it disables anything else happening in the note, including typing text . While watching and taking notes on a live video (which is a large part of my job), this means if I want to include a screenshot in my notes, I miss at least a full 13 seconds of note-taking time. That doesn't seem like a lot but it makes it impossible for me to add screenshots while I'm taking notes live. I've attached a video explanation, which might be a faster way for you to see what I'm talking about. Is there something I'm missing, like a Evernote 10.4.4 adding a screenshot to a note (1).mp4 new way to do this same task? It will mean a LOT if you can help me find a solution. Thanks so much! -- Annie
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