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Everything posted by cykarma

  1. Yes please! My EN for Windows names duplicates as: Copy of [note] While my Android app will call duplicates: [note] - Copy Normally I shrug my shoulders at these kinds of differences in platforms and figure out my own solution but this is really frustrating. I'm trying to basically create quick templates for notes with as few actions as possible*, so on Windows, I use the "Copy To" feature on the bookmarked templates, which are located in a different notebook. Works fine, I have to use my mouse a bit more than I'd like, but that takes 4 steps. Then I realize a) there's no "Copy To" function in the Android app, so the closest thing is just duplicating, which is more intuitive and simple in the first place, but that means the template has to be in the same notebook. At this point, I realize in order to make a quick copy of these exact same templates on these two platforms, I either have two choices: 1. I can suck it up and move my keyboard cursor to the beginning of the title to get rid of that "Copy of " every time I duplicate a note, which seems like a silly thing to get upset about, but seriously interrupts my workflow, OR 2. Even worse, I can bookmark two different copies of each template, and now I have two identical sets of bookmarks that I have to use for PC and phone, duplicated in two different folders, which is just so antithetical to the reasons that I adopted EN - simplifying and optimizing for efficiency - that it's almost offensive. Solution? Standardize by having the Windows EN follow the default naming convention of appending "copy" at the end because this debate was settled so long ago. *The built-in template features take like 10 actions and SO SLOW, plus I hate looking at the default templates ** Apologies if I'm cranky but in trying to optimize my workflow I've now spent an hour on this ><
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