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Everything posted by briedis.vilks

  1. Recent Update: 1. Delete current Evernote App 2. Download and install Evernote Legacy App 3. Open Script Editor 4. Paste tell application "Notes" set folderNames to name of folders of account "On My Mac" repeat with thisfolderName in folderNames set theNotes to notes of folder thisfolderName of account "On My Mac" tell account "On My Mac" tell folder thisfolderName repeat with j from 1 to (count theNotes) set theNote to note j set myTitle to get the name of note j set myText to get the body of note j set myCreateDate to the creation date of note j set myModDate to the modification date of note j tell application "Evernote" set myNote to create note with text myTitle title myTitle notebook "Imported --Notes" set the HTML content of myNote to myText set the creation date of myNote to myCreateDate set the modification date of myNote to myModDate -- BUG FIX end tell end repeat end tell end tell end repeatend tell 5. If your notes are in iCloud, change in script "On My Mac" to "iCloud" in all place. Change "Evernote" to "Evernote Legacy" 6. Press Play icon to run the script. 7. Wait for the magic. 8. If you wish after sync delete Evernote Legacy and download/install latest Evernote app back. 9. Enjoy
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