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Everything posted by fumbler

  1. I have been a loyal (paying) Evernote user for more than 10 years (not for long anymore) and been following the discussions here while searching for solutions. Why delete functions that perfectly facilitated the users (export more than 50 notes)? Why delete the HTML export function? It was very usable for me. Why not implement a feature the can export all notes WITH their respective Notebook link metadata? This could not be that difficult. It's stupid users have to rely on scripts and external, third-party programs to be able to do a basic function like backups. Instead a lot of other functions got corrupted, like bullet point lists, checkbox functions, table formatting, update notifications, etc. IMHO: In the course of history with this program, things got worse and worse. Every update made it more unstable and irritating to use. It is a sort of epidemic in software land en UX programming: invent new functions users will never use and make other, usable functions disappear out of sight or eliminate them. Evernote limits our ways to export/import to another platform. And made an unusable, unstable, moloch of a program out of a very nice solution which worked perfectly fine. Another example of bad UX programming. No wonder why a lot of users abandon Evernote. Yes, I use the legacy version for now, and yes I am looking for an alternative, and yes, I am not very positive here, but realistic.
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