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Posts posted by idoc

  1. 3 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

    It will be in the enex file for the notebook that the note was in. If you know which notebook the note is in, you'll know what enex to look in.

    This is not entirely true.  If you have a notebook " Family" and you are backing it up weekly, then in  6 months you will have 24 backups of "Family.enex".  Let's say your "2022 tax return" was a pdf in this notebook and it disappeared 4 months ago without you noticing. This means that every Family.enex file since 4 months ago will not have your 2022 tax return.  So when your accountant asks you for this pdf and you suddenly realize that it's disappeared, which of the 24 Family.enex files do you check?  Let's say that you go back to the first one(6 months ago) and you actually find your 2022 Tax return pdf there; how do you know that it's the latest version (we add to these pdfs constantly)?  You would then need to check every subsequent Family.enex file going forward to find the exact week at which the pdf disappeared (ie: the last version of the pdf).  These are probably not issues for the majority of us but for anyone, who exists on pdfs, excels, word docs and who changes thousands of these files on an ongoing basis, then EN has stumbled badly with eliminating the "saved attachments" feature of Legacy.  Those new users to this forum who never had Legacy would probably not even understand what a huge feature this was.  Even if EN fixes the lost attachments issues my confidence has been shaken.

  2. 25 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    If you double click it will drop all of those notes in your default notebook.

    Thanks.  However, as far as I can tell there is still no way of knowing which enex file contains the attachment you are looking for.  The other day my employee was looking for a financial data pdf file from last year (which she adds to on a regular basis).  The file had disappeared.  Which enex file is it in?  The backup from last week? Last month?  This is why we relied so extensively on the "save attachments" features of Legacy ie: it allowed for a backup of pdf, word, excel attachments that could be easily saved, searched for etc.  I think that your batch file could be a workaround but it sounds awfully complicated to look for that one missing attachment (within enex files) when you don't even know when it went missing.  I never thought this was even an issue until last week when both me and my assistant found that we had lost important attachments.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    The enex files are for each notebook and they would be versioned for each date the export was ran. So you'd have a folder 2024-1-31/Notebooks/Stack/notebook.enex

    So what is the process of actually finding a missing attachment once you have this system?  I assume you need to take the enex file and reconstruct it by creating a new notebook in EN and then exporting the file to that.  You would then need to guesstimate when did the attachment go missing because you would need to drill back through time to find it.  If it went missing 8 months ago (and you never noticed) then you would literally have to reconstruct dozens of enex files before you found the attachment.  Or am I missing something in this process?  

  4. Thanks very much for the follow up but I'm trying to understand how I would use this.  For example, let's say that tomorrow I notice that my attachment "Entire federal tax folder 2023" has disappeared from EN.  If I am saving Enex files how do I know which file this is in?  I assume that to look for one missing pdf I would need to take the entire enex file,  reconstruct it on EN and then look for that particular missing attachment?  Also, how do I know when that attachment went missing?  Perhaps it was 8 months ago?  Do I need to keep reconstructing the enex files by drilling back in time until I find the version before it disappeared?  It used to be that I could just to to Gdrive and search for "Entire federal tax folder 2023" and it would pop up in an instant.  Anyway, it sounds as if your system is probably the only reasonable method at this point and it would give some peace of mind.  I never thought that Gdrive could lose my data or that my backup hard drive would ever be wiped out by an EMP.  However, my confidence that EN will keep all of my data safe is not as steadfast as it once was.  I will certainly play with your script and see if I can make it work for me.  Thanks again for your help and I may need to reach out to fine tune it.  

  5. You guys are obviously very technically inclined, understand exactly what's going on and how to get your information back.  Then there are people like myself (and I suspect many others) who don't have the technical expertise or the inclination to deal with this.  I lost some important attachments and spent 6 hours reconstructing them from scratch.  This may be a little annoying but, more importantly, it's quite frightening.  I have files in EN which would be devastating to lose.  With Legacy I had a very easy way to keep up with my attachments ie: every few months I would "save attachments" by highlighting an entire notebook of attachments and importing them all to a directory on my hard drive.  I would then store this in Google drive.  It would take me literally  a few minutes to store thousands of attachments from each of my notebooks.  In this way, I always had a backup of every single attachment and could find anything that I ever lost.  Here's an example of my "EN Work" notebook with 3000 attachments on Gdrive.  This workflow is now broken in v10.



    Every few months I would repeat this process since these attachments would often change in content and it only took 3 minutes to save all of the attachments within a notebook.  This was a simple system that allowed me to sleep well at night knowing that all of my important stuff was being saved.  Now I'm not too sure anymore.  I still save enex files to Gdrive and I suppose that I could do an import/export kind of process to try and reconstruct in case of a disaster but the entire process now is far from clear or simple.

  6. And now the plot thickens.  Even though I received that error message I then found the following email had been sent to me:  The only problem is that despite this heart warming development is still doesn't work.  When I try to use the extension it still gives me the same error messages.  I will try updating google, shutting off my computer etc etc and report back.


  7. As has been mentioned before I am finding that EN win desktop is no longer integrating well with Gmail.  I can forward a gmail to EN as usual but the extension does not seem to be working.  Today I received the following notice when I tried to access the Gmail EN extension (ie:forwarding a gmail to EN). 


    When I elect to Authorize access it takes me to the following page:



    And then when I elect to Re-authorize for 1 year it gives me the following error message.  I have tried several times and even tried re-authorizing for a month but it's still the same.  I do not recall this error in previous years when re-authorized.  Anyone know what's going on?




  8. I participate in several forums and this is one of the most helpful, most civil and pleasant ones out there.  No reason to raise a big fuss about nothing.  There are several contributors on this forum who are amazingly helpful and who sometimes dispense their knowledge with a little bit of "acerbity".  Personally I find this to be delightful and part of the enjoyment of being on this forum.  In most cases the acerbity is not gratuitous and is delivered in a manner designed to be firm but helpful at the same time.  So let's just get back to the business of sharing and helping one another.  I agree with the advice of not responding to trolls and would suggest that it is in our best interest to not discourage our illuminati or Evernote staff.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, AlbertR said:

    I hardly dare to ask you as an experienced Evernote user...
    If the note itself is available, you have a history. Did you try to restore an older version from history?

    BG: In all cases so far (*), an attachment was lost only in the current note (and saves of the current one). Older history records contained (maybe outdated - but accessable) attachments.

    (*) My "use case"s to loose attachments seem to be the annoying behavior of the note editor: Former versions had a clear usage of the editing cursor - either cleary before or behind an attachment. In EN10 (especially when attachments are placed in bulleted or numbered lists and along with other stuff on the same line as possible in the past) the editing cursor gets hidden and the attachment is selected. If you type <DEL> or <BACK> by accident because you want to delete a blank line, the attachment is deleted... If you recognize that fast enough, you can UNDO (Ctrl-Z) the deletion. If not, you come in trouble... Because RTE syncs fast, your trouble spreads out to other clients... In some cases, there where 3-4 history records that reflected my fail (with lost attachment). But in all cases a saved note from before some days did contain it for sure.

    Your confidence in my analytical skills is misplaced!  I did not initially check the version history.  I stared with horror at the note with the missing attachment and then started frantically to search throughout EN thinking I had somehow brought up the wrong note and the correct one was somewhere else.  I then went through all sorts of efforts to find it in the web version, other devices etc.  I then retrieved an older version that I had saved to Google drive and rebuilt the pdf from the last 4 months of scraps that I could find.  In short, I did everything except the proper thing ie:check version history and restore.  Based on these threads I now have learned some new tricks such as exporting the enex out and then reimporting it back in; trying to open it in another enex editor etc.  I don't think this was an issue of inadvertently deleting the attachment since my employee experienced a loss of two attachments the following day.  In both cases, we had not lost an attachment in the last several years.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

    This sounds like something different, no one has had a note completely disappear yet just some attachments. I don't suppose you've checked the trash. Is it possible that the title of the note was changed or it was moved? Have you done a search for the content in the note?

    I misspoke.  The note was there, but there was no attachment  in the note.  Tried all the usual tricks but could not get the attachment back.

  11. 11 hours ago, eric99 said:

    How many versions do you have in the note history and what is the oldest history date? Does it align with your expectations for that note? If not, maybe you're looking at a duplicate note or something?


    I don't have any versions of it because the note disappeared!  Every two weeks (for years) I've been going to that one note which contains a large pdf.  I open the pdf and then attach to it the last employee payroll.  Every year I consolidate it and store it on Gdrive.  Yesterday I went to the same note and it was gone.  The pdf was not in trash or lurking anywhere else in EN.  I tried looking for it in different devices, on EN web etc.  Just gone.  Since everything in my office is scanned and uploaded to EN I don't even have a backup of this missing info.  A big mess.

  12. today an employee of mine came in to show me that two of her pdfs within a note were now saying "untitled attachment".  I can't find the original pdf no matter what I do.  Simply disappeared.  This is very concerning.  I've used EN for over 10 years and even though there were problems from time to time I really don't remember losing entire documents.  This is the third attachment that we've lost in two days.  I'm hoping against hope that they re-appear as someone above reported.  The missing pdfs are in a note that has 9 pdfs ie: the first 7 are there and are WNL, but the last two are now saying "untitled attachment" and can not be opened, moved etc.  I initially thought I could move them to the desktop and try reconstituting them with another pdf program, but no luck.

    P.S: I should also mention that in the past this was not a great concern because I was easily able to export all the attachments within an entire notebook into a windows directory.  From there I could manipulate them with Adobe Acrobat, combine them or export them into Gdrive and they would remain as a backup.  This was a very easy process of a few minutes and a great safeguard against losing critical documents.  After Legacy that no longer worked.  I won't hijack this thread with that issue but suffice it to say that there is no longer an easy way of doing that.  So now when I lose a critical document it's really lost with no easy recovery.

  13. Today I lost a supercritical pdf that contains the timesheets of my employees. I have been adding to it every 2 weeks for years. It simply disappeared.  I tried restoring the note, looking at historical versions, looked through trash, tried other devices or EN web etc.  Nope, it was gone.  Very worrisome.  I initially assumed that I must have done something stupid until I saw this thread  











    • Sad 2
  14. When I go to the EN v10 win desktop setting there is a section that says "Connected apps".  When I go there I notice that under "Evernote Web Clipper for Chrome" there are literally thousands of entries with an option to "Revoke All" or to revoke each one individually.  Just wondering what this was all about?



    there are literally a thousand identical lines under these!!

  15. For years I used to integrate EN with Hellofax such that all the faxes sent to our office would show up in a Hellofax notebook on EN v10 windows desktop.  A very useful integration indeed.  For the last week no fax has shown up.  I have deactivated and activated the integration with Hellofax and yet the faxes are not coming in.  Anyone aware of this or why this would he happening?  We generally get about 15 faxes a day and haven't seen one arrive for a week.  We can get the faxes directly on the Hellofax site (now owned by Dropbox) but they are not coming through to EN anymore.

  16. I've gotten this message 3 or 4 times in the last month.  Not sure what is causing it but I always get the message hours later ie: I don't know at the time that my email didn't make it to EN.  This means that now I have to physically check my inbox at EN every time I try sending an email over. 



    There seems to be two ways to send an email ie: I can forward it to my evernote email or I can hit the little green elephant icon on the right of the gmail.  I'm not yet sure if the error occurs in one or the other of these methods.  I'll have to experiment with both for a while and keep a lookout.  Anyone experienced the same issues?


  17. I see spinning for about 15 seconds but then it stops and I can see the files (v10.86.8 win 10 desktop).  My problem is not with seeing the files but with the utility of the feature itself.  You can't actually do anything with these files other than looking at them or selecting one at a time to open.  It would be far more useful if you could delete groups of them, merge them, copy them etc.  This was possible with Legacy and was a huge time saver for certain tasks.  I'm hoping that this is the direction that this goes.  Other than that, just curious as to how people actually use this feature.

  18. Overall, I like the feature and I use it as an overview.  For example, I can select the "files" option and then search for a term such as "Faxes".  It will give me a long list of 300 pdf files which are all faxes from my Hellofax account.  However, the functionality stops there ie: I can't seem to select these files so that I can work with them as a group.  This functionality was available on Legacy ("attachments") and is not at all the same thing as the "export to html" feature.  There have been many posts on the difference between how Legacy and v10 handles attachments and I won't reactivate any of this now.  Nonetheless, it would be great if the file feature eventually lets us actually select and manipulate the files rather than just looking at them.  If that is the case, we could eventually see that lost Legacy feature reincarnated.



  19. Nobody likes to pay more for anything and this is understandable.  On the other hand, when I see weekly updates and constant improvements it shows me that the company is investing in the product and is committed.  When I look at how v10 was in the first few weeks and then compare to how it is now I feel that it has come a very long way indeed.  I have seen massive software price increases in many products that simply went from bad to worse (Quicken, Quickbooks, Acrobat etc).  Paying more for something that is progressively worsening is truly a slap in the face.  However, paying more for something that is incrementally improving is a different story.  I realize that a lot of people don't see it this way because they were perfectly content with Legacy and are now comparing it to a more expensive product that they don't like as much.  Nonetheless, for many reasons which we do NOT need to revive, we no longer have that option.  So the real issue is that we were paying less for a v10 which was unusable and we are now paying more for a v10 which is stable, very usable and improving daily.  In fact, if there existed a more expensive solution that was better than v10 I would happily pay for that one instead.  

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  20. Actually I was inquiring because I sensed a lot of euphoria on this feature and was wondering if perhaps I was missing something.  However, after playing with it for a while I am realizing that at most it could save me a few minutes of time daily.  Overall, nice to have but I'm not raising the champagne glass on this one.  On the other hand, collapsible sections is a real game changer.  That one feature has completely changed the way I interface with EN and has solved longstanding issues that bedeviled me for years.  Looking forward to more of those types of features.

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  21. Not sure why the new slash command feature is such a big deal.  It seems as if you can invoke any one of these features by simply going to the "insert" option on the menu above or the "Heading" menu.  , which takes the exact same amount of time as typing in a slash.  Actually I'm thinking of disabling the slash feature since I don't like the way it pops up constantly as an option.  The arrival of the slash command was heralded as a great feature here but, unless I"m missing something, I don't think it moves the needle for me one way or another.

    Pressing either one of these two buttons gives you the same features as the Slash.


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