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Everything posted by JoshYoung

  1. For anyone finding this having the same issue, try enabling hardware acceleration in the Evernote settings (under application). It was disabled for me (and for people in the Reddit thread) and that seems to have fixed my issue.
  2. I'm also having this same issue on a MacBook pro 2019. Looking at activity monitor, the Evernote Helper (GPU) process spikes in CPU usage (not definitive, just what I noticed).
  3. He has 20,000 forum posts. He lives and breathes this app. I've been looking at this forum for 10 minutes and he's commented on every single post I've opened. Don't really understand how someone gets that into an app, unless they're actually working there (and even then). I bet you'd get less snarky responses if you insulted their mother.
  4. Don't understand all the vitriol here towards the OP. Are these paid commenters? AI? If you're seeing a bunch of posts about people having new issues with Evernote and wanting an alternative, take a clue, people (bots, whoever you are). Evernote is actually dying. It can't even do text editing right anymore. Text selection is a nightmare and has different bugs from mobile to web. Sometimes copying and pasting goes wild and deletes things and can't be undone. I have routinely in the last few months gone in and edited a note (just text), opened it back up later to find that my changes were missing. No conflicting note warning. Just nada, gone into the atmos. Adding photos or documents to a note via attachments is about a 75% chance that they'll still be there when you open the note up later. Price increases. Long loading times. I just opened the app on web and it just sat there with a permanent loading spinner. This adds up to a list of bugs which can be fixed, yes, but more than that I feel like I can't trust Evernote with my data anymore. If I put something incredibly important into Evernote, it means I'm "saving" it there, and deleting it from other sources with the assumption it will be there until I delete it. If I can't rely on that fact, then Evernote is no longer useful. Full stop. I feel for the employees that were lost in the US with the move to Europe. If that had been the only change and things were working per usual, I'd say who cares. But this is a mess. Also, can we just stop and ask ourselves why an AI company would want to buy an app with millions of users entire catalog of personal data on their servers? This seems a bit sketchy to me...
  5. Pretty sure this has to do with the move to France, and has nothing to do with security, but nice that they have an excuse? All of the big players still use SMS. I can login to my company's Microsoft SSO using SMS and take down the entire DB, there's no way this is "for security."
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