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  1. This is still an issue on mac. Every single new scanned note opens in a new window and it's infuriating. No options/preferences to turn that "feature" off on the mac. I have to use the legacy evernote app all the time because it's better than the new one. Besides the constant new window issue the new one doesn't show the entire pdf by default and you have to click on each one to show it (because again there's no option/preference on the new mac version) and you can't edit the documents like you used to be able to do with the legacy version - now it opens as a new file and you can't save/update the original (like if your pdf has an extra blank page you want to delete).
  2. This is incredibly frustrating. Many of the scanned documents and up scanned upside down and it's insanely time consuming to try to edit, save as a copy, then find that saved copy, reimport the copy back into evernote and delete the bad one! How is that an acceptable work around? Before it was right click, rotate, save. Legacy app does the trick, but annoying I need to run 2 versions to perform a pretty basic and necessary task.
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