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Everything posted by gamerbuzz18

  1. I agree, great idea, but fails to provide value due to limitation. It's a great idea, but completely useless feature. Only a complete moron would decide to implement such a feature and then handicap it beyond use. They should just call it the Tweet Pad. lol. I use a Mac and I regularly use Stickies to put down quick notes. And I regularly have a Today's Top Priority tasks sticky open. I was excited to see this feature and then went to copy and paste my FIVE BULLET POINT list and it couldn't even paste the entire text and told me it was full. What's even more pathetic, is that the actual scratch pad itself, is only half occupied with text, so it's not even a visual limitation on the screen given its size. I'm constantly amazed by how the simple, right in your face things, go unnoticed and get delivered broken, because people just lack the ability to simply think for a second in a different perspective. There had to be a point in time at which someone stopped and thought, this limitation seems stupid, but then thought, ugh, the code has already been committed, whatever. Lazy people make s*** products. You gotta have pride in your work.
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