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Everything posted by zdanevich

  1. My userscript to solve this - without intermediate screen clicking https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/489822-evernote-direct-link-opening-without-you-are-leaving-evernote
  2. My userscript to solve this - without intermediate screen clicking https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/489822-evernote-direct-link-opening-without-you-are-leaving-evernote
  3. My userscript to solve this - without intermediate screen clicking https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/489822-evernote-direct-link-opening-without-you-are-leaving-evernote
  4. Thanks, but is it possible to disable that intermediate page, for better performance? Can we write a JS that will change some mouse click event?
  5. But why Evernote is blocked in Georgia? I cannot pay for it, and now it unavailable in Google Play for me.
  6. I have the same problem, for the last year I live in Georgia country.
  7. Please save our eyes. You can use this https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme
  8. Guys, implementing shortcuts it is just a few lines of js, what the problem...
  9. @Eph Zero what the name of this note app? Can we use it on desktop Ubuntu?
  10. Google Keep have offline mode - technically this is possible to make Evernote chrome app that can work offline, maybe not for all 1000000 of notes, but few hundreds of last + think about Chrome OS + speed of loading.
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