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Tim Jones

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Everything posted by Tim Jones

  1. This seems to be fixed in the most recent update. Thanks Evernote! :)
  2. This is very annoying! My notes almost always use short-hand, slang, technical terms, and other words that aren't in the spelling-dictionary. As a result, Evernote will fill my note with meaningless distracting red underlines. I was very happy when this was theoretically fixed in 10.7... but it looks like it's still an issue. I'm using Evernote 10.14.7-mac-ddl-public (2661) on OSX Big Sur 11.3.1 (20E241). To reproduce: - Boot Evernote - In the Preferences menu, uncheck the "Check Spelling While Typing" option - Create a new note - Open the note into its own unique window. - Type a mispelled word - Observe that the word has a red underline Expected behavior: - The word should not have a red underline Note: - The underline is absent when the note is viewed as part of the main Evernote window. The problem only occurs when I break a note out into its own separate window.
  3. Evernote staff, do you see this thread? Can you tell us whether this is being addressed?? All my notes are full of obnoxious red underlines that I can't get rid of. It's very annoying.
  4. Please please fix this!! I upgraded Evernote for Mac and now I can't get rid of these dumb red underlines!!
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