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Everything posted by NoteTakingBoss

  1. The really mystifying thing is that context still shows up on the google home page when I search google.. How hard is it to put those results in the app? But.. here's my lame hack in the mean time: Copy/paste the entire content of the note you're working on into the google search bar and hit search. then open Evernote, resize the window to the left part of the screen and voila! Context/Related Notes again on the right side of your screen/Evernote! If you have a dual monitor setup, just put it on your second desktop. It works good, but you have to manually update it of course.. I'm relegated to this I guess until Evernote gets off their ***.
  2. Mac. although you ought to have worked it out via process of elimination, and considering we're on: Evernote for Mac Requests (Versions 7.14 and under) > [Feature Request] Strikethrough on formatting toolbar
  3. Wow.. 8 years later, and this feature couldn't be added? Can somebody do this over their coffee break or something? it can't take much.. Here, I'll demonstrate: go for coffee add strikethrough button to toolbar close an 8 year old ticket Your welcome.
  4. Same here.. it was intentionally removed, but I don't know why, or if it is coming back, but there goes my premium subscription until it's back
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