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Posts posted by Wolfgang.DE

  1. On 10/8/2021 at 10:15 PM, Scott T. said:

    So we explicitly changed from evernote:// links to en:// because legacy registered the former URL prefix. In order to make sure links opened in newer clients, we had them (10.x) register to use en://. So links in emails should all now use the en:// URL format causing them to be opened in 10.X and not legacy.

    This may be the cause of the behavior you are seeing. Though I haven't explicitly checked the reminder emails code to confirm.

    Could you make it smoothly working again, please?

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  2. On 10/8/2021 at 8:24 PM, CalS said:

    I am still on legacy which may be the issue I suppose.  Link starts out https://links.notifications.evernote.com/u/click?_t=84b and a bunch more, probably 6 or 7 times as many characters in four wrapped lines. 


    Yes on IOS whenever I press the link in the email I am prompted to open in the app.  On Windows I am presented with Continue with desktop app but nothing happens when clicking on that option.

    Understand no support if this is a legacy thing.  Fortunately for me this is not that important.  I have an email reminder via FollowUpThen and a saved search for Today which accomplishes the same thing.  Weird though that a link works in new but not old.  Thanks.

    I'm on Windows - the Evernote App (for Windows) is installed and I guess uptodate, but not running. The browser (Firefox) is uptodate.
    Wenn clicking the above mentioned link (same format, but I guess/hoep different content, i.e. pointing to a note of mine), its from browser side changed to "https://www.evernote.com/redirect?_h=https://www.evernote.com/shard/<more data containing also forward slashed>" and no request to open the installed windows app. Reloading the pages gives then a different behaviour - showing the "continue with" Screen. The first option (i.e switching to the App) does not react, but the second option (i.e. continuing in the web browser) then works.

    In past times that worked all very well and I do not see, why this is a legacy problem not under support.

  3. Since round about one month I'm again getting notifications - which helps. Hopefully this will not go down again.


    But what's not working with these current notifications - the links to the message (https://www.evernote.com/redirect?_h=<destination address>) can not be resolved anymore. Browser finally says "Page not found" - is this known by Evernote Customer Support Team?

  4. On 4/29/2021 at 12:55 PM, PinkElephant said:

    As a Basic user you are not eligible for technical support. This is one of the limitations of the free plan (real people cost real money …). It is the forum, or you can upgrade to Premium for a month if you urgently need support access.

    No idea about the e-mail for reminders - maybe search the forum. I remember there have been threads about it.

    Knowing that I'm basic member I can accept to have no direct technical support. Being aware I used the forum (see

    ) but also without any reactions there. Round about one week ago - still having this issue - I by accident found this elder thread than mine - from paying members - also with a long silence.
    In the meantime Scott T. generously took over (again)....hopefully my last ping will no flow into a solution, soon.


  5. On 4/29/2021 at 8:25 PM, Scott T. said:

    @Wolfgang.DE Thanks for the ping on this. It's not in my area, but I decided to take a deep dive into the issue. I believe I've identified the problem. Without getting into too much details, the process that sends out reminder emails for users is encountering invalid reminder data for a note and is aborting processing to avoid impacting the service. Our system is built such that users are grouped across many servers. Each server runs one of these processes. So when the email sending process aborts, it will not send any further emails for the group of users on the specific server. This will continue until that invalid reminder data is cleaned up. I'm assuming this is coming from a client that has a bug around this, but we'll have to investigate that further. It could just as easily be coming from a 3rd party client vs. our own clients.

    In the meantime, I'm assigning our ticket for this over to a team to implement a fix on the server to clean up the data when it encounters it such that we can continue to send out the reminder emails. As noted, since we split users across many hundreds of servers, this will only impact the subset of users who are on a server that also has an invalid note on it. Furthermore, those notes may get cleaned up automatically by an update from another client, so there's also variability there.

    I can't promise a specific release date for this, but know that I'm making sure we get somebody to work on this now that we know what is going on. 

    Thanks for your valueable feedback and deep dive efforts. As I understand from former comments in junction to your analysis, it's a problem which does not rely on the account status - that means also paying users are affected, if these users are in the same group as the user with the corrupted note. I'm right?

    Does "reminder data" relate to content or is this special meta data for organizing the reminders?
    Is it possible for a user to reset that invalid data in any way, e.g. by deleting the note reminder?
    Did you with your deep dive identify that note (and maybe the account), that you can inform him to do so?

    It's in the meantime more than five month, the reminding feature is not working any more.

    In the longer term I think "invalid reminder data" should at a maxixum influence the user account, who has this corrupted data inside and not a bigger subgroup of users. Just my opinion.

    Thanks at all for your analysis.




  6. just found the support and discussion forum - did try to contact support on other ways with no success 😞


    Regards this issue I can tell the same - no email reminders anymore since in meantime a long time.
    And nothing configurable on note or in main configuration does help to fix. Where have this important feature gone?

    @Scott T. just for your notice - found your staff comment from Nov. 3rd 2020.

    I've posted this issue here four month ago:

    and still have no feedback there.

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