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Display Name 123

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Everything posted by Display Name 123

  1. Ditto. This modal window is constantly popping up, taking the focus away from what I'm working on (almost always another application, not Evernote), and it has become like "Chinese water torture." Please make it stop. Thanks!
  2. I am a teacher, and I use Evernote, among other purposes, to store pre-fab comments that I copy and paste in my feedback on student papers. Some of these comments have YouTube URLs. I need to copy and paste the YouTube URL, so I need the Evernote note to store the text of the URL for me. Now, after the big update, it still kind of works, but I am often inadvertently turning the URLs into embedded videos, which is no help to me at all for my use case, and ends up being a headache. Please fix this, perhaps by making a setting to turn off automatic YouTube video embedding. Thanks!
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