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About gyqhbsiusduh

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  1. Or they don't need the functionality you talk about. I think you could be more condescending if you only tried a little harder... c'mon, just a little... I'm sure you won't find it too difficult.
  2. Yes!!! I can log back in!!! *does happy dance*
  3. If you log out, can you log back in? ...and do you want to take the chance to try...😁
  4. Told where? When? I never saw anything in my inbox. Is it just me? Or was that info only common knowledge in these forums?
  5. Thanks, but I've now tried reinstalling a couple of times, so yeah, I'm def logged out. 😀 And I have several accounts that I'd need to access, anyway. Oh well. Thanks anyway.
  6. Thanks. But I'm definitely logged out, unfortunately. 😢
  7. But you can actually get into Legacy? I still can't. It's frustrating. I'm going to try reinstalling and see if that changes anything. (Edit: it didn't.] And them shutting down Legacy *without* notice like that (if that's what happens - I want to give them the benefit of the doubt)..... well, that's just mean. Like some people here, the first thing I knew about it was when I saw the banner... a couple of days ago, I think it was? Yeah, yeah, I can use v10 (and I do, for my main account) but exporting notes in v10 is agonizingly slow. I exported a notebook with about 250 notes in it from v10. It took 3 hours. When I still had access on Saturday, I tried exporting the same notebook, as an experiment, from Legacy. It took 2 minutes. That's... not an insignificant difference. And if I had some local notebooks, I've lost them (I have several accounts, some of which I don't use that frequently, hence the not knowing). I'm reasonably sure I had exported them before, but that doesn't change the idea that pulling the plug on a product, just like that, with no notice, is just nasty. (Again, if that's what's happening.) There's a difference between not supporting or developing further an old product, and stopping it without notice. I don't see people being up in arms about Legacy ending, I see them mourning a beloved tool that works well for them. And it certainly makes a priority to find a replacement, which is not that easy. Because despite the kind of lists that trumpet "25 alternatives to Evernote", Legacy is still a pretty unique product for certain uses. (For me, Joplin is going to be the closest fit. I also came across something call Notesnook, which does look and feel very similar to Legacy. Maybe it'll be the ideal solution for somebody. )
  8. Yes, I would certainly hope they have better things to do than looking through the forums and deactivating accounts. I'll try again tonight and tomorrow...
  9. Also, Evernote Web count as one device now???? Or has it always been like that and I never noticed?
  10. Lucky you whose accounts are not syncing! I can't even get in anymore. I've just tried to connect to an Evernote account I pretty much use with legacy only, and guess what? I can't even get in. "Can't connect to the server. Please try again later.". (This is with a separate account from the one I'm using to post here) And what's even more infuriating is, I know I have some free accounts with local notebooks, but they are on my computer at home (I'm currently on a computer abroad), and I was going to deal with them on my return home in a few days. Guess I've lost them (though I probably exported them somewhere). It definitely feels like being punished for posting in these forums, unless they cut off access to Legacy for everybody a LOT earlier than announced. PS I'm using Evernote
  11. I know the question was not addressed at me, but to the list above, I'd like to add - Not being able to select more than 100 notes at a time in v10 - When trying to rename a notebook, v10 gives you a blank field, while legacy gives you the previous name of the notebook in an editable form - so practical when you just want to tweak the name, like add a number at the end of the existing name, or if you want to copy the name - This has been mentioned by other users, but the html export not keeping the link between the file and the associated folder - massive pain in the back! Why oh why couldn't they keep the functionality of the original Evernote and build upon it, instead of building what feels like a fairly different app?!?!
  12. Good on y'all who like version 10. I LOATHE it. Loathe, loathe loathe. Legacy suits my purpose perfectly. V10 doesn't. Bloated interface, can't select more than 100 notes at a time, and when you export notes as html, the notes and their html folders are not linked, which is a massive pain. Yes, there are nice things in v10, but not enough of them. Anyway... I'd be interested to know what will happen to an Evernote instance that has local notebooks only? If I login while offline, is there a reason I can't access my local notes, come end of March? And when (not if) I log out, will I be able to log back in? Honestly, if they spun off legacy as a desktop app, I'd buy it. Clip articles with version 10, export and then import as local files in Legacy. It'd be perfect. And yes, I'll be looking at alternatives, but the problem is that last time I looked, there was nothing is the same league. Evernote (until v10) was an absolutely *fantastic* tool, and there simply was no competition. Otherwise, believe me, I'd have shifted already. So now the search for an alternative is becoming urgent.
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