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Everything posted by ENUserinAZ

  1. The ability to use markdown for headers (#) is great but once a header is applied to text it would be nice to be able to revert it back to "normal" text with some line prefix like the "#" or even just a shortcut key.
  2. You can do this on the mac my pressing ctrl+option+command T while the note is selected. It also sorts nested tags so it's a really great way to add tags efficiently. But I agree, having this feature in all places you add tags would be great.
  3. Thanks @PinkElephant. I've slowly begun to incorporate Cmd-J as a search "replacement" but kindly disagree with the muscle memory part. The muscle memory is already well-established that the search box should NOT work that way :). Seems the fix should be to align a mainstream productivity app with common workflow and UI/UX expectations not the other way around.
  4. This moving search entry is also driving me a little crazier every day. (Mac 10.77.3). I like what @AlbertR said above "If I click on an input field, I do not expect to open a dialog box." At least have it open in the same spot if it does. And also agree with @Paul A. that the truly annoying part is when you want to search for something different. Despite knowing this will happen, I'm still constantly double clicking in the search box thinking that it will select the existing search word currently there only to have me clicking the top of the popup box.
  5. The note showed up about six hours later in SOME searches but still doesn't show in v10.4.4 created:day-0 search. Anyone else dealing with long delays in notes showing up in searches?
  6. Hello, I added a note in v10.4.4. It doesn't show up in search using any of the words in the title OR if I search for created:day-0. Installed the legacy version and it shows up. Checked on my iphone and it does not show up. Added a tag and the note count next to the tag shows (4) on the v10.4.4 but only 3 notes show up in the search results. So disappointing I didn't find other posts with a similar issue. Anyone know if this is a known issue?
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