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Posts posted by freyja313

  1. @Mike P thanks for the kind words! This is the great thing about hive mind because you took it further than my tech expertise would allow me to go. I could definitely see tags being super pesky especially if a person has a lot of nested tags.

    A little trick I've used in the past when trying to clean up and organize tags is to create a new temporary "holding " tag and tag ALL (yes, all) my notes with that tag (similar to what I mentioned in my post above about temporarily renaming notebooks). As I clean up notes, once I'm satisfied they're tagged correctly I remove the "holding" tag from the note and eventually wind up with zero notes with that tag once the project is complete. Although here too, if you have lots and lots of notes or a propensity to tag individual notes with, say, more than five tags, it could be a rather time consuming endeavor! I haven't done this particular task in a long time so I can't remember my exact methodology but it was probably a combination of extracting a list of all notes with their tags into Excel*, searching by tag(s) in the Windows client and/or sorting notes by tag(s) in the Windows client. I try to keep my tag list somewhat reasonable too and *try* to avoid nesting as much as possible, plus reviewing my tag list every so often. If there's a tag that has less than ten notes, I try to see if I can re-tag those notes to another existing tag and get rid of the lesser-used tag. After using EN for so long, I've learned that having an excellent note title naming convention makes all the difference and can relegate tags to a less important organizational role since I can rely on the robust search feature to find what I'm looking for. So for me, tags have become like a sub-notebook of sorts. Of course, my project now is fixing a bunch of note titles. I have, um, rather a lot of "Untitled notes". 🥴 

    *To that end, WHY in the Windows client can I go into Top List or Side List view, click in the list and CTRL+A to select all notes, then CTRL+C to copy that list, then paste the list right into Excel but I CAN'T do that with tags, notebooks, or anything else I can select in the left navigation pane of the client?!?!

  2. On 9/3/2021 at 6:06 PM, Athena13 said:

    I had to find a utility to  do the same with the Windows file directory (fortunately, there does exist such a thing, free, even).

    Isn't it bonkers that there is still not a built-in function for this in Windows?!

    So I was messing around with your ask and I agree there doesn't seem to be a way in the EN desktop client to copy the notebook structure. (Note that I'm still on the legacy client - not v10). However, I did try the following in the web version using Chrome:

    1. Click on the Notebooks icon until the flyout menu appears. 

    2. In the white space to the right of "NOTEBOOKS" and above the "Find a notebook" button, right click and then select "View page source". (I chose the right click location on the screen specifically to make sure page source would capture all the notebook data.)

    3. When the source tab opens, CTRL-A to select all the text and then throw it into Excel or Word. It appears that each stack will appear in one or two cells with all the notebooks in that stack listed. At this point the data is UGLY and will probably take some patience to clean up, but still might be better than your other options. Here's the raw data for my joined notebook stack (I shortened the result a bit for space):

    listLinkedNotebooks: ["{\"2\":{\"str\":\"MAYO\"},\"3\":{\"str\":\"mayo-christopher\"},\"4\":{\"str\":\"s74\"},\"6\":{\"str\":\"public\"},\"7\":{\"str\":\"374d25d3-0b30-4a67-926a-a62a43ec279d\"},\"8\":{\"i32\":102874},\"9\":{\"str\":\"https://www.evernote.com/shard/s74/notestore\"},\"10\":{\"str\":\"https://www.evernote.com/shard/s74/\"},\"11\":{\"str\":\"C) Joined Notebooks\"}}","{\"2\":{\"str\":\"2014 Calendar Templates\"},\"3\":{\"str\":\"missrspink\"},\"4\":{\"str\":\"s122\"},\"6\":{\"str\":\"2014calendartemplates\"},\"7\":{\"str\":\"a41ce8eb-9efc-4246-80de-51fca8c2c24b\"},\"8\":{\"i32\":102875},\"9\":{\"str\":\"https://www.evernote.com/shard/s122/notestore\"},\"10\":{\"str\":\"https://www.evernote.com/shard/s122/\"},\"11\":{\"str\":\"C) Joined Notebooks\"}}","{\"2\":{\"str\":\"Evernote SMLC\"},\"3\":{\"str\":\"cholton51\"},\"4\":{\"str\":\"s142\"},\"6\":{\"str\":\"evernotesmlc\"},\"7\":{\"str\":\"285eacec-fe29-4d5d-94a3-6c64ab8a17fe\"},\"8\":{\"i32\":102876},\"9\":{\"str\":\"https://www.evernote.com/shard/s142/notestore\"},\"10\":{\"str\":\"https://www.evernote.com/shard/s142/\"},\"11\":{\"str\":\"C) Joined Notebooks\"}}","{\"2\":{\"str\":\"Going Paperless\"},\"3\":{\"str\":\"jamietr\"},\"4\":{\"str\":\"s51\"},\"6\":{\"str\":\"goingpaperless\"},\"7\":{\"str\":\"446a974c-47e4-4f19-ae3a-760a1be70a29\"},\"8\":{\"i32\":102877},\"9\":{\"str\":\"https://www.evernote.com/shard/s51/notestore\"},\"10\":{\"str\":\"https://www.evernote.com/shard/s51/\"},\"11\":{\"str\":\"C) Joined Notebooks\"}}","{\"2\":{\"str\":\"Shared Templates\"},\"3\":{\"str\":\"jamietr\"},\"4\":{\"str\":\"s51\"},\"6\":{\"str\":\"sharedtemplates\"},\"7\":{\"str\":\"f2dd029f-4b4c-4bb0-b13b-af9ed8aac50c\"},\"8\":{\"i32\":102878},\"9\":{\"str\":\"https://www.evernote.com/shard/s51/notestore\"},\"10\":{\"str\":\"https://www.evernote.com/shard/s51/\"},\"11\":{\"str\":\"C) Joined Notebooks\"}}"

    The BOLD RED is the notebook name and the BOLD BLUE is the stack name that it's located in. I threw the data into Excel, deleted the cells that did not have the notebook/stack data in them, then threw the remaining data into Word and used the search feature to find "C) Joined Notebooks". 

    Depending on your notebook organization, it might be quite a pain to parse out the notebooks and stacks. Also note that local notebooks won't appear here because (obviously) they are not synced to the web so if you have any of those you'll need to handle them manually. 

    My notebook structure is pretty simple:

    -- Stack -- A) Personal Notebooks (with 8 notebooks in it)

        All the notebooks in this stack use naming convention of 01 Notebook Name; 02 Notebook Name; 03 Notebook Name, etc. so I can force a specific alphabetic sort order. 

    -- Notebook -- B) LOCAL - Temp

    -- Stack -- C) Joined Notebooks (with 9 notebooks in it)

    If you have lots and lots of notebooks and stacks, one thing you could possibly try is renaming all your notebooks with a specific code that you could then search on to make it easier to find them in the page source results. For example, you could do TEMP Notebook1; TEMP Notebook 2; TEMP Notebook 3 and then you'd search for TEMP and parse the data every time it finds TEMP. However, if you have a ton of notebooks this might be more trouble than it's worth! Alternately, if all your notebooks are in stacks, you could search for each stack name and go from there. (Or temporarily create stacks for purposes of this project, then move/clean up your notebooks back "wherever" once you decide on your final structure.) So...it looks like you can get the raw (ugly) data and then cleaning it up depends on your preferences and skill level in working with the results!

    Hope this helps and good luck!


    9/6/21 Edited for missing close parenthesis. B)

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  3. On 8/14/2018 at 9:47 AM, gazumped said:

    OK - for a soberer look at things,  check out https://www.fastcompany.com/90216018/inside-evernotes-brain - courtesy of Ms Wilde's snazzy newspaper... https://paper.li/heathriel/1334414259#/


    Oh my gosh, I am so late to this thread and catching up on all the hooha! I've been so busy just using my current version of EN on the daily that I've been ignoring the updates (WHY am I still on a version that has the forgetful focus issue?!) and completely missed the re-brand announcement. I share the opinions of most of the folks on this thread and in the comments on the Medium article so see no need to reiterate what's already been said. But I read the Fast Company article and this sentence really stuck out to me: 

    [The visual elements provided by DesignStudio] were all designed to look good on anything from a dinky smartphone screen to an oversized outdoor advertising poster—and yes, Evernote plans to reintroduce itself through an upcoming brand advertising campaign.

    It's unfortunate this is needed but also not surprising. The company has lost goodwill with a large number of its most faithful users and along with that has come the loss of the most precious type of advertising: word of mouth. I no longer evangelize EN to my friends and co-workers. I no longer gush about how much I love it. When asked if I still use EN, I kinda frown and start off with "Yeah, but..." I'm not willing to pay $69.99 a year for Premium because I don't think the product is worth it in its current incarnation. I grudgingly pay $34.99 for Plus and will probably continue to do so as long as they let me have it, or until *I've* had it and finally jump ship. That day is getting closer and closer. 

  4. I came up with my own workaround for this by creating templates in MS Word using the highlighting and shading options and then copied from MS Word into EN "template" notes. When I want to highlight something in a different color I copy the row from the template note into the note I'm working on and edit the text in the now highlighted section of the note. Unfortunately you can't select and highlight existing note text with these colors but you can copy the shaded row from the template and then Copy > Paste as Text your existing note text and then adjust the text formatting to your liking (size, color, bold, etc.)


    Here are some examples:





    Not quite the ideal way to do this but I'm very happy with my results and not sure I'd actually get anything more to my liking with similar functionality built into EN. 


    I copied my templates to a public notebook if you want to steal them outright or use them as a starting point for your own experimentation:





    Things to note:

    • I mostly edit notes in the Win desktop client so I'm not sure how this will work on other platforms. My notes with the highlighting do seem to render well in my Galaxy Note phone. 
    • In the templates, the first row is shaded the color and the font is black Tahoma 10 Bold. The second row is shaded as well and the little boxes are ASCII characters in black. The third row is NOT shaded but rather large ASCII character rectangles with the font color set to match the shading on the other two rows. I created these because I like to use the squares and rectangles rather than horizontal rules to create more visual section separations. 
    • The big giant colored squares are images that match each of the colors and, provided you have no other images in your note that will override the size of these, can be used to force color coding of your thumbnails in snippet view. I probably could have made these smaller but I haven't really played with them yet to see if the large size bugs me. (Shout out to GrumpyMonkey for the colored image snippet idea.)

    When I have time I'd like to make note templates using all these same colors as background colors. If I ever do that I'll add them to the public notebook as well.





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  5. Since I know Excel, and can work fast in it: I fix sync conflicts by row as follows:

    • Enter this formula in C1: =IF(A1<>B1,1,0) and copy it down to the last row with text
    • Where the formula returns 1 there's a sync conflict

    I get only a few sync conflicts per year, so I haven't taken the time to make this into a macro.


    Oooh, that's a great idea for note conflicts! I currently do this a lot in Excel to compare columns of data except I just use the formula "=A1=B1". You should get returned a column of "TRUE" and "FALSE". Then I just filter the columns for "FALSE" to find the discrepancies. 


    Another thing I do when looking for minor differences between two docs that are essentially the same is open both documents (notes) on the same monitor (so the docs are on top of each other) and then Alt-Tab multiple times rapidly between the two docs. Your eye should pick up any visual differences between what you're viewing on the screen, e.g, text or formatting that is different between the two files. If what's there is the same you won't see any differences "flashing" other than the file name. Every few Alt-Tabs I hit Page Down to go to the next section of the file until I've reviewed the whole thing. Sounds time consuming but it's really not once you get the hang of it, especially if you zoom out on the doc. This'd probably be best if there are only minor conflicts between the two note versions; I imagine if the note has many conflicts this would not be feasible.

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