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Dr. Vishal Gohil

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Posts posted by Dr. Vishal Gohil

  1. I have started facing this problem today and till now I have been able to understand that it is limited to windows app. I signed out from that. It's the new version that is causing problem, I just downloaded that and now this. Images are being saved in 'failed upload' folder, never faced this issue before. 

  2. 15 hours ago, gazumped said:

    But do you have a ticket number? Has Support actually responded with any comments?

    Yeah, via mail I contacted them. On Twitter and here, they are way too slow. I managed to delete 600+ notes by myself just in few hours. And when I got reply back from them, I just elaborated the issue, gave them activity log so that they can check and asked not to do anything else, as I already solved the problem

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  3. I will like to mention that whenever such things happen, I immediately uninstall windows app of Evernote from my laptop and I'm not sure but I think that stops duplicating notes for me. May be because I work on phone and laptop only. Then I reinstall fresh. This might help who face this problem in near future. If not controlled, notes can multiply into thousands. And support is not that good, you will have to manually delete them. 

  4. On 12/2/2020 at 8:27 PM, Mike P said:

    Not my experience. Windows key + arrows work the exactly same for me in EN as for other programs.

    When I try, Evernote window seems to be larger (than other apps) and I can't even resize it after certain point, result is another app is smaller in comparison to Evernote. I am on Windows 10 with HP laptop and using Evernote windows app with latest version (above 10 of course).

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