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Everything posted by emjbe

  1. Thanks - I was looking for alternative products to migrate to and found this post instead. if I can maintain the older version I won't have to do that. of course like everyone else on this thread, for me tabs are a must-have feature for notes in business. If I were using Evernote for simple things as a student in college or basic family notes I'd be ok without, but for my use case I have to either have tabs or multiple windows or something. for the time being I've had to revert to multiple browser Windows to augment the MacOS app. I should also point out that the IOS app isn't as useful for me due to the lack of an easy way to switch between notes or even display multiple notes on the same page. iPadOS has recently added the capability to have multiple apps on a screen side-by-side. This capability would make Evernote on iPad much more usable also. As for the CEO's comments I'd ask the people on this thread: How many people have you influenced to use Evernote in the past? How many will you influence to use Evernote if there are no tabs? How many will you bring with you to a different product if you have to change products?
  2. Please bring back tabbed notes. This is a critical component of the application. here are Apple's UI recommendations and guidance related to tabs. https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/macos/overview/themes/ https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/macos/windows-and-views/tab-views/
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