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Everything posted by Dinkidi45

  1. Sorry not everyone can afford to upgrade their hardware. So every time Evernote update their software I need to update my hardware? Other apps continue to run fine on my iPad just not Evernote.
  2. I’m reconsidering finding a new app, I’m not paying for an app that no longer provides the performance it did, works fine on my phone just not the iPad. Evernote has not improved and i have had no responses for months other than there is an issue and they are looking into it. They offered me a refund if i apply through the apps store and told me my iPad is too old now. Given my iPad is a work provided one I’m not likely to get a new one soon. As soon as i find another suitable app I’ll be moving but will have good memories of Evernote for many years now. RIP Evernote.
  3. I logged an incident with Evernote a couple of weeks ago. Their techs currently investigating the issue for my iPad Air 2. The log info indicated there is something amiss. Fingers crossed they can find a solution. All other devices - Android phone and laptop are working fine, just the ipad.
  4. I agree. I am a premium paying user and therefore expect the app to work on my preferred devices it previously worked on. While my phone app and laptop work fine, the iPad is far from acceptable and is my primary tool of choice. I sent a request to evernote today and have been told due to 'more than expected request' i may not receive a reply for 10-14 days - I wonder if they are all about the ipad issues?
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