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About Andretti

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  1. I have been a long time user of Evernote on a various number of platforms. Currently there are 16000+ notes in my account. Once in a while, I noticed that files dropped in the import folder location were not being processed. In the beginning I would troubleshoot the issue until the files were correctly imported and files were removed. After a while, I noticed that if the import did not work, EN will import it one of the next days. So I stopped spending time on the troubleshooing part. This is without reinstalling Evernote or whatever so to me this was not an "installation issue" (in that case it would fail permanently). I never had to reinstall EN to see the import process kick in again. In the past, when the deletion of the files in import folders still existed, I knew that if the file was gone, it was properly imported into EN. It was a kind of confirmation that the import process went well. Today, with these files not being removed at the end of the import process, there's no way any more to tell whether the import went okay or not. So just assuming it went well and removing the files without any confirmation that the douments were properly imported in EN, and based on my past experience, is a "no go". Creating a batch file that cleans up files at the start of your OS does not check the proper importing of those files and therefore not a solution. Leaving the files where they are is also not a feasible solution simply because if you're using EN to clean up the pile of papers on your desk, you don't want to create a pile of electronic documents in another place. Having this option in place in the past means that someone at Evernote did consider it was a feature people may needed. Why not bring the feature back and have the users decide whether they want to get rid of the documents after importing or not. How difficult exactly is it to implement this feature again in EN. I think it should be fairly simple so no idea what is taking them so long... I do think that displaying "coming soon" is not appropriate anymore at this time.
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