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Everything posted by Ludictador

  1. Hello evernoters, same problem to me using Windows10, during the first 5-10min of use of Evernote right-clicking the program just freezes and even the Windows alert pops up to let me decide if I want to wait or to reset the program. After 5-10min of using Evernot, this right-clicking issue doesn't occur no more. My Evernote Version: 10.16.7-win-ddl-public (2732) Editor: v126.0.16239 Service: v1.37.3
  2. An update: This issue with sorting lists started to happen when I turned password mode ON. Then to enable screenshotting I turned off password mode, then the issue didn't happen again. After that I turned on password mode again, then... The issue was fixed miraculously 😱 Thanks again for your concern!
  3. Hello Agsteele, I'll tray to enable Screenshots, thanks a lot for that. But this was a secondary question. Main questions is "I've been trying to sort large lists on my Android mobile phone with no success. Evernote is not sorting alphabetically, not by creation day nor modification day... When you go to a notebook with large number of notes and try to sort by any option, the app does nothing." I don't know if I am the only one experiencing this issue... Thanks a lot in advance!
  4. Dear friends of Evernote, I've been trying to sort large lists on my Android mobile phone with no success. Evernote is not sorting alphabetically, not by creation day nor modification day... When you go to a notebook with large number of notes and try to sort by any option, the app does nothing. It is not helping users Evernote doesn't allow us to capture images nor videos to show all these issues... Lately I've been in touch to Evernote support team more than I expected... Thanks a lot in advance for your support.
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