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Forever Note Farms

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Everything posted by Forever Note Farms

  1. Blauhelm, it sounds like you've updated but that helper still exhibits the same behavior as the "legacy" version--which is disappointing. Did you hit the "Save to Evernote" button in helper? Try typing a character into the helper note/text box and then save it. Now, see if it populates within the app after syncing. This is a fun little quirk that's caused many moments of concern for this Mac user for a very long time. If you clipped but hadn't yet done "Save to Evernote" then yes, the items should persist through profile sessions/reboot. All I can think of in defense of the devs is that maybe your screens are in-memory/disk and it's a display problem? Regardless, helper is a crucial aspect of the app and I feel for ya. Thanks for sharing. I'm still reverted to the legacy version and won't rush to upgrade despite staff posting development promises as readily available solutions and other nonsense. This is the second time since becoming a paid member in 2014 that I've thought to review alternatives, but the most serious I've been.
  2. I've gone back to the legacy version for Mac. The newest Mac version is a disaster with even more usability pain experienced yesterday. This was so frustrating and disappointing, which was probably amplified because I've had a positive experience with the rebuilt iOS app. My confidence in Evernote's project management and leadership took a big hit the past few days. Evernote is represents a methodology. It is to people's personal, professional and academic livelihood as exchanges are to money markets. You don't mess around with half-baked trading/infrastructure availability code updates that jeopardize client's relative livelihood/commerce/confidence. I'd guess that you're headquartered in Cleveland because of how cavalier leadership is about delivering a consistently quality product with emphasis upon a fluid transition between product evolutions. One of the first ways to ruin any chance at that is the failure to communicate known impactful changes to key features, which this thread and many others are surely pointing out. This seems to be your fatal flaw Evernote. If you cease to exist, it'll be squarely due to inadequate lifecycle standards and execution compounded by ineffective communication. But I'll have long since booked passage aboard another vessel when the once mighty SS Evernote goes down.
  3. Evernote staff: this MacOS release is reckless. Long time user here too. How on earth can your quality process involve releasing into production what's effectively a beta where crucial--even basic--aspects are missing? Tabs taken away? Layout and style options missing? 'Recent notes' forced back into the sidebar without ability to remove them. And...quick-note functionality held hostage by a combination of poor design philosophy, feature vision/execution, and development capability?! This reminds me of too many prior upgrades when I joined the first wave of fools only to get burned in return for my dollars and eagerness to demonstrate loyalty through early adoption. Well congratulations, you got me again. Do not underestimate the seriousness of undermining loyalty and quality of experience (and therefore value) by willfully removing key features. If you insist on doing this moving forward--and I have every confidence that you do--please seriously consider adding to the start of all new version installs (I refuse to call them upgrades at this point) a very obvious warning about what key features will be lost or altered, even if it's for an interim period in the roadmap. Any time customers, especially paying customers, even create the idea to revert to a prior version, you've screwed up. Sometime around 2014-15 Firefox became such a flaming heap of trash with poor usability that it easily drove me to Chrome as the predominant option for good. This is analogous. Hooray for the improved backend but don't get it twisted: clear function first, looks second.
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